whalecoiner / whalecoiner

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Charlie O'Hara / @whalecoiner

Tech history

Once a website builder, now a spreadsheet warrior for an engineering infrastructure department.

Nerd interests

I'm a sucker for home automation and self-hosting. Take a look at my home infrastructure to see how I manage it all.


I used to be well into running my own website. But a bad falling out with the modern tech industry burnt me and left me avoiding eye contact with it for years.

But time heals all wounds and now I'm trying to get back into the whole Indieweb thing.

So far I have:

#simplicity #codeforgood #minimumviabletech #mqtt #homeautomation #selfhosted #indieweb #zigbee #womanintech
