wh200720041 / floam

Fast LOAM: Fast and Optimized Lidar Odometry And Mapping for indoor/outdoor localization IROS 2021

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How to get the results whose number of poses is same with gt?

PeiyueYu opened this issue · comments

Hi, I want to reproduce the results of seq05 with aloam and your bag, and I receive the results with the command "rosbag play -r 0.3 --clock $PATH_OF_BAG" and "rostopic echo /aft_mapped_to_init/pose/pose", but I get 2762 poses, which is one pose more than gt. How did you reproduce the aloam result? Really need your help !

Hi @PeiyueYu :

I think you have to look into the aloam code. I managed to get the results from A-LOAM before. you can put a counter in the ALOAM code to debug.

Hi, I want to reproduce the results of seq05 with aloam and your bag, and I receive the results with the command "rosbag play -r 0.3 --clock $PATH_OF_BAG" and "rostopic echo /aft_mapped_to_init/pose/pose", but I get 2762 poses, which is one pose more than gt. How did you reproduce the aloam result? Really need your help !

Hi, I have the same problem. How did you solve it. Thank you.