wgd3 / user-mention-challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

User Mention Challenge

project demo

Project Structure

├── apps
│   ├── demo
│   └── demo-e2e
└── libs
    ├── shared
    │   ├── data
    │   └── styles
    └── user-mentions

shared-data Contains common interfaces, pipes, directives, and services

shared-styles Contains some basic SCSS theming files

user-mention library dedicated to the functionality of tagging users in a comment. See the README for the library to learn more about it.

apps-demo demo application utilizing the above libraries


The core of the functionality comes from a single <div>:

<div mentionUsers contenteditable="true" id="new-comment-input" data-placeholder="Start typing a new comment..." role="textbox" (userMentioned)="logUserSelection($event)" formControlName="message"></div>

mentionUsers directive injects the listeners for the pop-up menu.

contenteditable is a native element attribute allowing the contents to be.. well, edited.

(userMentioned) output runs every time a user is successfully tagged

formControlName is used to attach the <div> to a reactive form in the component.

Note There is a "hidden" directive at work here, ContenteditableControlValueAccessorDirective attaches to node that have both attributes formControlName and contenteditable. This directive allows an arbirary <div> to be connected to a FormControl. If the form is disabled for whatever reason, the contenteditable attribute will be set to false preventing any changes.

Getting Started

Installation and Requirements


  • git is available on your computer (instructions here)
  • node has been installed (instructions here)
    • Requires v20.9.0 at a minimum
  • yarn for package management is recommended, npm can also be used as normal


  1. Clone this repository:
> git clone https://github.com/wgd3/user-mention-challenge
  1. Install packages
# for yarn users
> yarn

# if not using yarn
> npm install

Running The App

Nx has it's own CLI for the projects in a repository. To run the demo app:

> npx nx serve demo

Initial Chunk Files | Names         |  Raw Size
polyfills.js        | polyfills     |  82.71 kB |
main.js             | main          |  53.56 kB |
styles.css          | styles        |   2.53 kB |

                    | Initial Total | 138.81 kB

Application bundle generation complete. [1.419 seconds]
Watch mode enabled. Watching for file changes...
  ➜  Local:   http://localhost:4200/

If you want to see the visual representation about how these libraries are linked, you can use Nx's dependency graph:

> npx nx dep-graph

 >  NX   Project graph started at

Click "Show All Projects" on the left to see this diagram:

nx dep graph



Language:TypeScript 73.4%Language:HTML 17.0%Language:SCSS 9.4%Language:JavaScript 0.2%