wesnolte / force

A command-line interface to force.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A command-line interface to force.com


Precompiled Binaries
Compile from Source
$ go get -u github.com/heroku/force


Usage: force <command> [<args>]

Available commands:
   login     Log in to force.com
   logout    Log out from force.com
   whoami    Show information about the active account
   sobject   Manage sobjects
   field     Manage sobject fields
   record    Create, modify, or view records
   export    Export metadata to a local directory
   import    Import metadata from a local directory
   query     Execute a SOQL query
   apex      Execute anonymous Apex code
   version   Display current version
   update    Update to the latest version
   help      Show this help

Run 'force help [command]' for details.


A command-line interface to force.com