wesbos / Cobalt2-Alfred-Theme

Super great theme for Alfred. Based on the Cobalt2 theme for Sublime Text.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cobalt 2 theme for Alfred

Super great theme for Alfred. Based on the Cobalt2 theme for Sublime Text. Original by Wes Bos, updated by Nicolas Goerlach & Joseph Fusco.


Download this repository and double click on the file that corresponds with your version of Alfred. Alfred will automatically install it for you!

Alfred 2.x

Use Cobalt2-alfred2.x.alfredappearance.

Alfred 2

Alfred 3.x

Use Cobalt2-alfred3.x.alfredappearance.

Alfred 3



Super great theme for Alfred. Based on the Cobalt2 theme for Sublime Text.