wesamhamed / cleanersupply

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cleaner Supply automation test using Katalon

Katalon logo

Team member

  1. Razan Hammad
  2. Shaimaa Iqtefan
  3. Waleed A. Afifi


  • Windows 7 or higher
  • macOS 10.11 or later
  • Linux with OpenJDK 8.0 Tutorial
  • Minimum 2GHz CPU
  • 2GB of ram minimum

testing image

Getting started

Using Terminal

  1. Using terminal clone the project using git
git clone https://github.com/QA-Gateway-Training/cleanersupply.git
  1. Open the project File -> Open Project

Using Katalon

  1. Create a new project
  2. Using the git icon click on share project, Katalon will ask you. for you git information

testing image

  1. Once it finish click again on git icon from the toolbar and click on clone project
  2. copy GitHub repo. link
  1. Using the window, past the link into Location
  2. Fill your github username and password, and check save auth

Test Scenarios testing image

  1. Product Details Scenario.
  2. Category Scenario.
  3. Quick Order Scenario.

Test Steps


Execution report

Screen Shot 2022-01-16 at 1 07 06 AM

Email setting

  • Host: the domain name of the mail server.
  • Port: the port to be used for that server.
  • Username & Password: the account to authenticate with the server.
  • Protocol: the protocol to communicate with the mail server (None, SSL, TLS).
  • Encrypt authentication data is recommended for sensitive data protection.


  • Host: smtp.gmail.com
  • Port: 465 SSL Or 587 TLS
  • Username: Your full Gmail address (e.g., yourusername@gmail.com)
  • Password: Your Gmail password

Screen Shot 2022-01-16 at 1 07 06 AM

Test Plan

1- Header test plan

  • TopBar
    • Verify top bar is displayed
    • Verify background color
    • Verify shipping information text centered
    • Verify Shipping info. font family, font weight, color
    • Verify shipping details link font family, font weight, color
    • Verify shipping details link hover effect style
    • Verify shipping info. text content
    • Verify customer service is displayed
    • Verify customer service style font family, font weight, color
    • Verifu customer service link hover effect style
  • Top Nvavigation
    • Verify if displayed
    • Verify background color
    • Verify logo is displayed
    • Verify search input is displayed
    • Verify existence of
      • Quick order link
      • Reorder link
      • My account button
      • Cart link
    • Verify hover effect for
      • Quick order link
      • Reorder link
      • My account button
      • Cart link
    • Verify account dropdown box is present on my account button click
    • Verify mini cart displayed on cart link hover
    • Verify mini cart is empty and have text your cart is empty

2- Product details page test plan ( search )

  • Verify page url
  • Verify page Title
  • Verify product name contain part of the name
  • Verify breadcrumb
  • Verify sku number with the url
  • Verify the price between the range of teh price
  • Verify available color to be equal colors of the product
  • Verify the name checnges once Color and Size changed
  • Verify hover effect for add to cart button
  • Verify hover effect for the size button
  • Verify quantity value by enter value and check if refelected
  • Verify Added to Cart on click add to cart button
  • Verify MiniCart if the product reflected after adding
  • Verify if the price with the quantity reflected in the volume table
  • Verify product spec. size changing

3- Search result page test plan

  • Verify current page title
  • Verify current page url
  • Verify heading tag
  • Verify product section headding tag contains searchTerm keyword and static number 224
  • Verify the filter default
    • None of the filter checked
    • Selected filters section not visible
    • Sort by featured
    • Color card is collapsed
  • Verify on select filter page loading overlay
  • Verify selected class once the filter selected
  • Verify the filter add to the selected filter section
  • Verify the data has been changed on change the filter ( product counter not correct Bug testing image)
  • Verify the pagination is displayed
  • Verify the current page is checked in the pagination

4- Checkout Test Plan

  • init Page
    • Verify checkout as a guest checked and contain the correct text
    • Verify hover effect for continue button
    • Verify summary table contain the added items
    • Verify price total in the title and the summary
    • Verify url, title, heading
  • Form page
    • Verify summary table contain the added items
    • Verify price total in the title and the summary
    • Verify url, title, heading
    • Verify checkout form fileds one by one
      • Values
      • style ( focus style, shadow, border)
    • Verify state value
    • Verify shipping fees ( expand the card of shipping and check for the readio selected)
    • Verify payment method form
  • Information page
    • Verify summary table contain the added items
    • Verify price total in the title and the summary
    • Verify url, title, heading
    • Verify displayed information are the same as user entered

5- Quick order test plan

  • Verify visibility and hover effect on Quick Order button

  • Verify navigation to Quick Order page

  • Verify url, title, heading

  • Verify cart counter number (0) and style

  • Verify header visibility and style

  • Verify addToCartBtn not visible

  • Verify inputs placeholder , and empty value

  • Verify border changing on input focus

  • Verify filling product stock number and value is reflected

  • Verify visibilty of product details in same row

  • Verify filling quantities inputs on table and value is reflected

  • Verify changing total value

  • Verify the total values are correct

  • Verify hover effect and click on addToCart Button

  • Verify URL

  • Verify page title

  • Verify products table

  • Verify search for product by sku number

  • Verify update the quantity number

  • Verify data reflected intp the sku and quantity fields

  • Verifu add to cart not present without product in the table

  • Verify mini cart refelect the added product

  • Verify shopping cart

6- Search

  • Check placeholder
  • Fill the field and check if reflected
  • Check the top bar contains search term
  • Check top bar background
  • Click on search button

7- All Pages Default Footer Test Plan

  • Verify existing Of Top Footer.
  • Verify existing of Image in Top Footer.
  • Verify background Color of top footer (yellow Color).
  • Verify max height of top footer as expected.
  • Verify existing of footer body and has a black Background Color.
  • Verify Right Column' content in footer body.
  • Verify request catalog link and icon with wight color and validate click's redirection.
  • Verify free classifieds link and icon with wight color and validate click's redirection.
  • Verify existing of choose region span.
  • Verify USA as default region.
  • Verify region's button can be clickable and by default has an aria expanded attribute equal to false.
  • Verify visibility of a region's list when click on region's button.
  • Verify visibility of leave feedback button, verify clicking it and a pop- up modal appear.
  • Verify Filling feedback's modal with a comment and email and close it.( note: Katalon can't support recaptcha verification image).
  • Verify existing of bbb logo image at the end left column in footer's body.

8- Shopping Cart

  • Verify Page url
  • Verify page title
  • Verify Heading tag
  • Verify the table contain data
  • Verify the items informations based on what added to cart from product page
  • Verify the totals ( productTotal, summary total, sub total )
  • Veryfi checkout button style, then click

Update testing image

  • Checkout summary table check with the added product to the cart
  • Check product price with the volume table depend on the quantity
  • Verify header assertions for all pages and the header for the checkout page
  • Verify footer assertions for all pages and the footer for the checkout page

Todo testing image



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