wensheng / spark

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project is obsolete.  I just put it here for archiving.

Spark's Python And Ruby Kit for deleveping web sites.
The documents are at http://pytan.com/


1 Quick Start
2 Prerequisites and Optionals
3 Web Server Setup
  - Built-in Server
  - Apache + ModPython
  - Apache + ModRuby
  - Lighttpd + Ruby Fastcgi
  - Lighttpd + Python Fastcgi
  - Twisted
4 Other Info

1. Quick Start
1, Type "python setup" or "ruby setup"
2, "chmod 777 +R cache"
3, "python scripts/server.py" or "ruby scripts/server.rb"
   to start buildin webserver at port 8888.
   See section 3 - Web Server Setup for other webserver setup.

The setup step does NOT install anything in your site-packages or
site-ruby or gems directory, everything is setup within current 

2. Prerequisites and Optionals:
For web server prerequisites, see specific web server in the next

1, Mysql binding
	mysql-python: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python/
	MySQL/Ruby:   http://www.tmtm.org/en/mysql/ruby/
   Try following to make sure it installed correctly:
	import MySQLdb #python
	require "mysql" #irb

2. Mochikit
	Note: Mochikit is already installed in public/js directory to
           support admin_controller.

4. FCKeditor
	FCKeditor is prefered for blog writting interface

3. Web Server Setup

3.1 Built-in Server
to start:
	$python scripts/server.py
	$ruby scripts/server.rb
The default port is 8888.
Please note built-in server is slow. It's good for debug, since
the server fork new cgi process for each request, you don't have to 
restart the server for changes to take effect.

3.2 Apache + ModPython
Install ModPython: http://www.modpython.org
	import mod_python
 to make sure it is installed correctly.
Copy/paste the content of the file "etc/apache_modpython.conf" to 
your httpd.conf (or copy the file to your conf.d/ directory). The 
only thing you need to change is "ServerName" directive.
Restart apache.

3.3 Apache + ModRuby
DO NOT use. Currently broken, will be fixed.
Install ModRuby: http://www.modruby.net/

3.4 Lighttpd + Python Fastcgi
Install Flup: 
	import flup
  to make sure it's installed correctly.
Optionally make modification to etc/lighttpd-python.conf.
Start lighttpd:
	lighttpd -f etc/lighttpd-python.conf

3.5 Lighttpd + Ruby Fastcgi
Install ruby-fcgi:
	require "fcgi"
  to make sure it's installed correctly.
Optionally make modification to etc/lighttpd-ruby.conf.
Start lighttpd:
	lighttpd -f etc/lighttpd-ruby.conf

3.6 Twisted
to start: 
	$./scripts/twistedctl start
to stop: 
	$./scripts/twistedctl stop

4. Other Info


License:MIT License


Language:Python 83.6%Language:HTML 11.3%Language:JavaScript 3.1%Language:CSS 1.3%Language:Ruby 0.8%