wenchy / Algorithm

All classic, beautiful, and amazing algorithms in computer science

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Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structure Sort Search Permutation Combination

All classical, beautiful, and amazing algorithms of computer science


  • Bubble sort - exchanging values.
  • Selection sort - Selection.
  • Insertion sort - Insertion.
  • Merge sort - Merge.
  • Inplace merge sort - Inplace merge.
  • Quick sort - Quick.
  • Heap sort - Heap.

Analysis of sort algorithms

Name Best Average Worst Memory Stable
Bubble sort n 1 Yes
Selection sort 1 No
Insertion sort n 1 Yes
Merge sort nlogn nlogn nlogn worst n Yes
Inplace merge sort -- -- 1 Yes
Quick sort nlogn nlogn average logn
worst n
typical No
Heap sort nlogn nlogn nlogn 1 No
Radix sort Nil O(d(n+radix)) Nil 2*radix Yes

Permutations and Combinations

  • full_permutation - recursive method.
  • combination - recursive method.


  • Euclidean algorithm wiki - 欧几里得算法(辗转相除法)An algorithm for the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD).
  • Extended Euclidean algorithm wiki - 扩展欧几里得算法 维基


  • Edit Distance - 字符串编辑距离 csdn Ref
  • atof - ascii to floating point number


  • 线段相交 - 参考算法导论
  • 八皇后问题
  • 数制转换 - Decimal to BinHexOct
  • Bitmap - 位图


All classic, beautiful, and amazing algorithms in computer science


Language:C++ 82.4%Language:C 17.6%