wemackey / jgl

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

jgl - README

jgl is a JavaScript graphics library for running psychophysical experiments online.

jgl integrates with psiturk to have a quick an easy way to put your experiments on Amazon Mechanical Turk(AMT).

This is the documents page for jgl. Here you can find documentation on every function available to you from both jgl libraries, jgllib as well as jglTask. In addition, there are tutorials available for your convenience.

A note on generating this beautiful documentation: It was generated by a tool called jsDoc. This tool can be downloaded for free. Then the following command was used:

./jsdoc -d ~/code/web/jgl/doc ~/code/web/jgl/jgllib.js ~/code/web/jgl/task/ ~/code/web/jgl/README.md -u ~/code/web/jgl/tutorials

Note a few things, first my path to the jgl repo may be different than yours, secondly, this command must be done from within the jsDoc directory.

Note: the jgl distribution comes with all the files except jglTask.js, this must be made by hand it is simply the combination of all the files in the task folder. To do this via the command line navigate inside the task folder and then type the command cat * > jglTask.js this will create a new file called jglTask.js which can then be included in your experiments. Also dont worry about deleting the file before pushing to update the repository, git has be set to ignore any file called jglTask.js.
