welldone-cloud / aws-summarize-account-activity

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Analyzes CloudTrail data of a given AWS account and generates a summary of recently active IAM principals, API calls they made, as well as regions, IP addresses and user agents they used. The summary is written to a JSON output file and can optionally be visualized as PNG files.


Make sure you have AWS credentials configured for your target account. This can either be done using environment variables or by specifying a named profile in the optional --profile argument.

Example run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

python aws_summarize_account_activity.py

Supported arguments

All arguments are optional:

--activity-type {ALL,SUCCESSFUL,FAILED}
    type of CloudTrail data to analyze: all API calls (default), 
    only successful API calls, or only API calls that AWS declined with an error message
    store a copy of all gathered CloudTrail data in JSONL format
--past-hours HOURS
    hours of CloudTrail data to look back and analyze
    default: 336 (=14 days), minimum: 1, maximum: 2160 (=90 days)
    generate PNG files that visualize the JSON output file
--profile PROFILE
    named AWS profile to use when running the command


  • The script uses the LookupEvents API of CloudTrail to gather information on account activity:


    This approach has the advantage that it does not require any specific configuration to be present in the target account. There is no need for CloudTrail to be enabled or configured in a certain way (e.g., logging to S3 or CloudWatch). Instead, the script analyzes the CloudTrail event history that is available by default and covers the past 90 days.

    The approach comes with the drawback, though, that the LookupEvents API is throttled to two requests per second. The script will thus need proportionally more time for AWS accounts with lots of AWS API call activity. If the script takes too long for your use case, consider reducing the timeframe of data analyzed via the --past-hours argument. Alternatively, if you are in the position to make changes to the AWS account, analyze large amounts of CloudTrail data using AWS Athena or CloudTrail Lake:



  • The script analyzes management events that were logged to CloudTrail. Please note that there are AWS APIs that do not log to CloudTrail: logging support varies from service to service.

  • The script can only analyze those AWS regions that are currently enabled in the target account.

Minimum IAM permissions required

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Example output file

Truncated example JSON output file:

  "_metadata": {
    "account_id": "123456789012",
    "account_principal": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/myuser",
    "activity_type": "ALL",
    "cloudtrail_data_analyzed": {
      "from_timestamp": "20240417081834",
      "to_timestamp": "20240217081834"
    "invocation": "aws_summarize_account_activity.py --plot-results",
    "regions_enabled": [
    "regions_failed": {},
    "run_timestamp": "20240217081834"
  "api_calls_by_principal": {
    "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/myuser": {
      "access-analyzer.amazonaws.com:ListPolicyGenerations": 5,
      "access-analyzer.amazonaws.com:ValidatePolicy": 13,
      "ce.amazonaws.com:GetCostAndUsage": 3,
      "ce.amazonaws.com:GetCostForecast": 3,
      "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com:DescribeTrails": 2,
      "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com:GetTrailStatus": 1,
      "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com:ListEventDataStores": 2,
      "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com:LookupEvents": 44,
      "config.amazonaws.com:DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatus": 1,
      "config.amazonaws.com:DescribeConfigurationRecorders": 1,
      "ec2.amazonaws.com:DescribeAccountAttributes": 3,
      "ec2.amazonaws.com:DescribeRegions": 1,
      "health.amazonaws.com:DescribeEventAggregates": 86,
      "iam.amazonaws.com:AttachRolePolicy": 1,
      "iam.amazonaws.com:CreateAccessKey": 1,
      "iam.amazonaws.com:CreateRole": 1,
      "iam.amazonaws.com:CreateUser": 1,
      "iam.amazonaws.com:DeleteAccessKey": 1,
      "iam.amazonaws.com:DeleteRole": 3,
      "signin.amazonaws.com:ConsoleLogin": 6,
      "sso.amazonaws.com:DescribeRegisteredRegions": 1,
      "sts.amazonaws.com:GetCallerIdentity": 1
    "arn:aws:sts::123456789012:role/EC2_role": {
      "s3.amazonaws.com:ListBuckets": 2,
      "ssm.amazonaws.com:ListInstanceAssociations": 8,
      "ssm.amazonaws.com:UpdateInstanceInformation": 14
    "elasticfilesystem.amazonaws.com": {
      "kms.amazonaws.com:Decrypt": 8,
      "sts.amazonaws.com:AssumeRole": 9
    // ...
  "api_calls_by_region": {
    "ap-northeast-1": {
      "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com:GetServiceLinkedChannel": 28,
      "cloudtrail.amazonaws.com:LookupEvents": 7,
      "dynamodb.amazonaws.com:ListTables": 3,
      "ec2.amazonaws.com:DescribeAddresses": 3,
      "ec2.amazonaws.com:DescribeCapacityReservationFleets": 3,
      "ec2.amazonaws.com:DescribeCapacityReservations": 3,
      "ec2.amazonaws.com:DescribeClientVpnEndpoints": 3,
      "ec2.amazonaws.com:DescribeCustomerGateways": 3,
      "ec2.amazonaws.com:DescribeDhcpOptions": 3,
      "ec2.amazonaws.com:DescribeEgressOnlyInternetGateways": 3
    "us-east-1": {
      "access-analyzer.amazonaws.com:ListPolicyGenerations": 5,
      "access-analyzer.amazonaws.com:ValidatePolicy": 13,
      "ce.amazonaws.com:DescribeReport": 2,
      "ce.amazonaws.com:GetCostAndUsage": 17,
      "ce.amazonaws.com:GetCostForecast": 8,
      "ce.amazonaws.com:GetDimensionValues": 5,
      "ce.amazonaws.com:GetReservationPurchaseRecommendation": 1,
      "ce.amazonaws.com:GetReservationUtilization": 2,
      "cloudfront.amazonaws.com:ListCachePolicies": 47,
      "cloudfront.amazonaws.com:ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities": 46
    // ...
  "ip_addresses_by_principal": {
    "123456789012:user/alice": {
      "": 2383,
      "2001:871:22d:1d63:41d7:81f:7b81:5396": 36,
      "AWS Internal": 8
    "123456789012:role/EC2_role": {
      "": 285
    // ...
  "user_agents_by_principal": {
    "123456789012:user/bob": {
      "APN/1.0 HashiCorp/1.0 Terraform/1.7.5 (+https://www.terraform.io) terraform-provider-aws/5.44.0 [...]": 61,
      "Boto3/1.34.68 md/Botocore#1.34.68 ua/2.0 os/windows#10 md/arch#amd64 [...]": 36,
      "aws-cli/2.15.31 Python/3.11.8 Windows/10 exe/AMD64 prompt/off [...]": 2
    // ...

Example visualizations

When using the optional --plot-results argument, visualizations of the JSON output file are generated as PNG files:

Generating visualizations retroactively

If you have an existing JSON output file from a previous run and want to generate PNG visualizations for it, you can do so via:

python generate_plots_for_existing_json_file.py --file account_activity_123456789012_20240217081834.json


License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%