CUE is a collaborative playlist creation tool meant for the discerning enthusiast. you could be stacking up a sick set for a party with friends, or curiously curating a mixtape for a special somebody - CUE is meant for you.
To get started, clone this repo and run npm install
to install the necessary dependancies on your machine.
To get the server up and running, run npm start
to start the server on the port defined in an .env
file (default is 3000 if not found).
Running npm install
will install all the necessary dependancies.
A step by step guide on how to install and use the project, for example if this is a game, how do we play it.
Run npm install
to install all necessary dependancies and run npm start
to start the server.
CUE requires user registration for use. After signing up and logging in, users can start by creating new playlists, looking at a list of all playlists, or searching for playlists by name.
Users can create playlists collaboratively by adding tracks or voting on tracks to place them higher or lower in the playlists. Users can only delete tracks in a playlist if they are the creator of the playlist or the contributor of the track. Users can only delete playlists that they have created.
Users can also like playlists so that they can be easily accessed in their profile page, along with playlists that they have created.
This project was created using test-driven development, with tests written using Mocha, Chai, Superagent/Supertest.
Tests are found in the /test
directory, split into 5 files.
To run the full test suite, run npm test
Tests are run using the test
environment and will create their own database for app testing.
CUE is deployed online via heroku at
NPM packages used in this project:
- bcryptjs
- body-parser
- colors
- connect-flash
- cookie-parser
- debug
- dotenv
- ejs
- express
- express-ejs-layouts
- express-session
- mongoose
- morgan
- passport
- passport-local
- serve-favicon
- chai
- colors
- superagent
- supertest
On the front end, this project was created using:
For track search, Spotify's Web API was leveraged.
- The dynamic gradient background was generated using javascript found here - Credit to Mario Klingemann.