weir2010 / implementations

52 - Week DDD Implementation Challenge

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This contains Practical DDD implementations for the Cargo Tracker Application across multiple programming languages and frameworks. It aims to demonstrate DDD concepts in the context of an execution platform. For a detailed walkthrough of the implementations please purchase the book ->

Cargo Tracker Application

The Cargo Tracker Application acts as the reference application for the DDD implementations. In terms of DDD concepts there are 4 main sub-domains of the Cargo Tracker application - Booking , Tracking , Routing and Handling. The sub-domains are solutioned as Bounded Contexts.

*In case of a modulithic implementation, the Bounded Contexts are individual modules within the monolith *In case of a microservices implementation, each Bounded Context may contain a single/set of microservices centered around the root aggregate *In case of a CQRS/ES implementation (Axon Framework), the Bounded Contexts may either be implemented as microservices or modules within a monolith. The implementation detail will detail the same

Cargo Tracker Use Cases

A high level summary of the use cases is given below. The various Commands / Queries and Events are listed below.

Booking Bounded Context - This deals with all aspects of Booking Business Capabilities of the Cargo Tracker Application

  - Book a new Cargo
  - Route a booked Cargo
  - Retrieve Cargo Details basis the Booking Number
Events (Producer)
  - Cargo Booked
  - Cargo Routed

Tracking Bounded Context - This deals with all aspects of Tracking Business Capabilities of the Cargo Tracker Application

  - Assign Tracking Number to a Routed Cargo
  - Retrieve Cargo Details basis the Tracking Number
Events (Consumer)
  - Cargo Booked
  - Cargo Routed
  - Cargo Handled

Handling Bounded Context - This deals with all aspects of Handling Business Capabilities of the Cargo Tracker Application

  - Handle a Cargo
  - Get list of Handling Events of a Cargo
Events (Producer)
  - Cargo Handled

Routing Bounded Context - This deals with all aspects of Routing Business Capabilities of the Cargo Tracker Application

  - Create a Voyage
  - Get Optimal Route for a Cargo
Events (Producer/Consumer)
  - None


The list below shows the current implementations available and what will be made available in the coming weeks. This is a 52-week exercise, so please check back for regular updates.

Week 1 (Available) - Spring Boot (Tomcat) + Spring Data + Spring Cloud + MySql + RabbitMQ

Week 2 (Available) - Jakarta EE 8 (Open Liberty + MySql

Week 3 (In Progress) - MicroProfile 3.0 (Helidon v1.3.1) + Oracle DB Autonomous Cloud + RabbitMQ

Week 4 (Planned) - Axon Framework 4.1 + Axon Server 4.1

Week 5 (Planned) - MicroProfile 2.2 (Payara Micro) + MySql + RabbitMQ


52 - Week DDD Implementation Challenge


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