weflex / wiki

Internal Shared Knowledge Database for WeFlex

Home Page:https://code.weflex.org/wiki

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Internal Shared Knowledge Database for WeFlex

A Little Background

This Wiki DEPRECATES weflex/weflex.wiki. This means we will shutdown weflex/weflex.wiki as soon as all the documents migrates to this repo.

The objective of this Wiki is to serve engineers shared knowledge that's specific to TECHNOLOGIES we've been building, PROCESSES we've been following and refining, VISIONS and COMMITMENTS we've been building so far.

Why A Dedicated Repo for Wiki Pages?

There's a few good reasons making this Wiki a dedicated repo itself.

First of all, this wiki is not a sub-project under any other project. Instead, this wiki itself should be a project (or even, think it as a SERVICE!) serving the whole engineers team.

Although Wiki Page provided by Github is simple and easy to use (and to contribute as well), you can't search in it. This is very critical as numbers of documents grows.

Last but not least, by making it a dedicated project, we can also integrate a building process into this wiki. We will discuss this topic further in Building System.

How Can I Use This Wiki?

You Can Browse It As Document Sources On Github

Of course, this is a document project hosted on Github. So you can search in it, just like searching codes;

You Can Browse It As A Website

We can use Github Pages to host it as a website, so you can browse it on github.io.

You Can Search Its Content Through Github API and Slack

Since this project is hosted on Github, we can use Github Search API to search for keywords in documents. To make things even better, we can hook this API to Bots (e.g. Hubot) so that we can search Wiki contents from Slack.

You Can Edit It On Github Or On Prose.io

Now it's linked with Prose.io. Compared to Github, Prose.io has a better editing interface so you guys can write wiki directly in your browser.


Internal Shared Knowledge Database for WeFlex
