weex-templates / How-to-create-your-own-template

A document about how to create your own template.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This document will introduce how to create your template and how to be work with the weex-toolktit.


[1] weex-templates/webpack

The weex-toolkit will call flowing command while using the corresponding command:


If you want to get the best experience, it is best to implement these commands

Command Description
npm run dev This command need to compile the source on watch mode and put the production into the dist folder
npm run serve This command need to open a web browser for developer to preview their page on web
npm run build:plugin This command need to merge the plugins into plugins/plugins.js file which can be include into the entry file.
npm run build:prod This command need to compiler source with production mode and put the file into the dist folder
npm run pack:web The pack:web command need to transform .vue file into a .html file, such as index.html with .js files.

Necessary structure

├── template/                   # template folder for weex project
│   └── configs                 # webpack config files
│   │   └── ...
│   └── platforms               # folder for [ios|android] project
│   │   └── platforms.json      # file for storing platform version
│   │   └── ...
│   └── plugins
│   │   └── plugins.json        # file for storing plugin version
│   └── src/                    # source code
│   │   └── ...
│   └── test/                   # test code
│   │   └── ...
│   └── android.config.json     # android config file for `weex-toolkit`
│   └── ios.config.json         # ios config file for `weex-toolkit`
│   └── package.json            # build scripts and dependencies
│   └── README.md               # Default README file
├── package.json
└── meta.js                     # you can config prompts、filters、helpers、complete function while render the template


In your template, the creater is using handlebars to render the template, so you can use {{}} such as {{name}} to binding data into your template, the data can be modify in the meta.js file and you can wrote some rules to using some conditional statement, suce as {{#if_eq babel "stage-0"}}...some code{{/if_eq}}. More detail you can see the document here handlebars helpers, you can register helpers on meta.js file and here are several built-in conditional statement:


{{#if_eq lintConfig "airbnb"}}
while the lintConfig === "airbnb", this line will be show
else this line will be show


{{#unless_eq lintConfig "airbnb"}}
while the lintConfig !== "airbnb", this line will be show
else this line will be show


while the router is true, this line will be show

{{#unless router}}
while the router is false, this line will be show


$ weex create <template> [project-name] [options]
  1. Create a new project with an official template, if the <template> has no slash, it will search template from https://github.com/weex-templates and the default template is https://github.com/weex-templates/webpack.
$ weex create my-project
$ weex create webpack my-project
  1. create a new project straight from a github or other remote template.
  • GitHub - github:owner/name or simply owner/name
  • GitLab - gitlab:owner/name
  • Bitbucket - bitbucket:owner/name
$ weex create username/repo my-project . #github
$ weex create gitlab:username/repo my-project . #gitlab
$ weex create bitbucket:username/repo my-project . #bitbucket

If you have any questions, please create a issue to me.


A document about how to create your own template.