websages / masterfiles

cfengine3 masterfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WTF is this shit?

Stuff with an asterisk we care about, just avoid the rest unless there's a compelling reason to pull it in. I'm working to excise it.

README.md* ..... You're reading it.
cfe_internal ... Some superfluous ha/hub specific things that cfengine ships.
config* ........ Configurations of hosts
controls* ...... The config files for the cf-* services.
def.cf*......... Site definitions.
failsafe.cf* ... The bootstrap file.
inventory ...... More superfluous configs that cfengine feels we need.
lib ............ 3.5/3.6 compatibility policies.
promises.cf* ... The primary configuration file (what get's sourced when not bootstrapping/failsafing/updating.)
services ....... More superfluous stuff (looks like it's used for Windows.)
sketches ....... Some new (and probably superfluous) method for writing policies.
templates ...... Primary Template dir, ignore this and use config.
update ......... Cfengine built-ins for updating using ha and hubs.
update.cf* ..... The update policy.

Bootstrapping a host (gets masterfiles/<branch> deployed to $(sys.inputs))

Install cfengine3

dpkg -l | grep -q "ii  cfengine3" || (apt-get update && apt-get install -y cfengine3)
dpkg -l | grep -q "ii  dpkg" || (apt-get update && apt-get install -y dpkg)

Enable the Services

[ ! -f /etc/default/cfengine3.dist ] && cp /etc/default/cfengine3 /etc/default/cfeninge3.dist
sed -i -e 's/RUN_CF\(.*\)=0/RUN_CF\1=1/' /etc/default/cfengine3

Remove the stuff that ships with cfengine (it's terrible.)

rm -fr /var/lib/cfengine3/{masterfiles,inputs}

scp your ppkey to the policy host

dpkg --compare-versions $(/usr/bin/dpkg-query -W -f='${Version}' cfengine3) lt 3.6
if [ $? ]; then
  ( cd /var/lib/cfengine3/ppkeys; scp localhost.pub root@odin.websages.com:/var/lib/cfengine3/ppkeys/root-$(hostname -f).pub )
  ssh root@odin.websages.com "mv /var/lib/cfengine3/ppkeys/root-$(hostname -f).pub /var/lib/cfengine3/ppkeys/root-\$(/usr/local/sbin/cf-key -p /var/lib/cfengine3/ppkeys/root-$(hostname -f).pub).pub"
  ( cd /var/lib/cfengine3/ppkeys; scp localhost.pub root@odin.websages.com:/var/lib/cfengine3/ppkeys/root-$(cf-key -p localhost.pub).pub )

(Only if necessary) Add your egress IP to the $(def.acl)

      "acl"     slist => {

(Optionally) Mark your host as being on a non-master branch of masterfiles

echo "some_feature_branch" > /var/lib/cfengine3/current_branch

Fetch and run the failsafe config

[ ! -d /var/lib/cfengine3/inputs ] && mkdir -p /var/lib/cfengine3/inputs
curl -ks https://raw.githubusercontent.com/websages/masterfiles/master/failsafe.cf > /var/lib/cfengine3/inputs/failsafe.cf
cf-agent -Kvf /var/lib/cfengine3/inputs/failsafe.cf

Run Cfengine

cf-agent -Kv


cfengine3 masterfiles


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