webriders / djagon

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is DjangoDash 2013 contest project (why "Djagon"? Let's say that it means something :)

URL: (http://djagon.webriders.com.ua/)

The idea of this project is to implement online multiplayer "Uno" card game. But at the first place to make it fun and entertaining! (thus we have changed the rules a bit)

UNO header

We are doing this just for fun, without any selfish purposes nor for profit. All rights of the Uno card game belongs to Mattel.


You need to have installed on your system:

  • Python (and python-dev)
  • pip
  • virtualenv
  • libevent (for gevent-socketio)
  • postgresql & libpq-dev (for psycopg2)
  • sass & compass (we just can't work without SCSS anymore)

Debian/Ubuntu installation tips:

sudo apt-get install python-dev libevent-dev postgresql libpq-dev
gem install sass compass  # we assume that you already have Ruby & Gem


First of all, go to your workspace dir and clone the Git repo:

git clone https://github.com/webriders/djagon

Notice: all further commands should be executed within djagon/site/ directory:

cd djagon/site/

Create, activate and setup virtualenv:

    virtualenv var/virtualenv/djagon
    source var/virtualenv/djagon/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.pip

If something went wrong with pip install - probably it's Gevent, read more about it's installation.

Setup project:

    cp conf/settings/local.py.dev-sample conf/settings/local.py  # this is an example settings file
    nano conf/settings/local.py # setup there private settings (DB, secret keys, etc.)
                                # there is a setting: GAME_SOCKET_URL - this is URL where you run
                                # gunicorn + gevent + socketio server, read below
    ./manage.py syncdb --migrate


You need to setup & run 2 servers: one for Django site, second for WebSockets

Next example is for development / quick start:

./manage.py runserver &
gunicorn --worker-class=socketio.sgunicorn.GeventSocketIOWorker --bind= --debug conf.wsgi:application &

Use Supervisor

You may also use Supervisor:

pip install supervisor
cp conf/supervisor/supervisord.conf.dev-sample conf/supervisor/supervisord.conf  # copy sample config
nano conf/supervisor/supervisord.conf  # edit config - adjust paths
supervisord -c conf/supervisor/supervisord.conf  # start supervisor process

At any time you may check current status:

supervisorctl -c conf/supervisor/supervisord.conf  # start supervisor console

Use Fabric

We use Fabric script for deployment and restart (may be more commands in future):

fab --list   # list available commands
fab deploy   # make Git pull, migrate DB, collect static, restart gunicorn processes
fab restart  # restart gunicorn processes only

But you need to install & setup Supervisor first (it's used by Fabric script).



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