webrecorder / web-replay-gen

Static Site Generator for Viewing Web Archives (in WACZ) format

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web Replay Gen

Generate a website for viewing web archives.

🌐 Live demo


  • Compatible with web archives in WACZ format (WARC also supported)
  • Automatic deploy to GitHub Pages
  • List & autocomplete-search web archives
  • Embedded web archive replay
  • Load web archives from any https:// or s3:// URLs.
  • IPFS Support Coming soon

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Quick Start

1. Create new project from template

Use this template

In the new repository, go to "Settings" > "Pages" for the new repository and under "Source" select "GitHub Actions".

Once settings have been updated, clone your new repository as usual to your local machine.

2. Install dependencies

Navigate to your project directory and run:

npm install

3. Update wrg-config.json

Add your website title and web archive URL:

  "site": {
    "title": "My Web Archives"
  "archives": [

See Configuration for all options.

4. Preview website

To access your site from http://localhost:8080, run:

npm run serve

5. Deploy to GitHub Pages

Push to main to automatically deploy your site to GitHub Pages. ✨

You can also opt-out of Pages to use another hosting provider. See Deployment for more information.


Configure options in wrg-config.json.


Object for configuring site details.

Key Default Value Value Type
site {} Object
site.title "Web Archives" string Website title, used in browser title bar and as the primary heading
site.logoSrc "" string Website logo, any valid <img> src


Object for configuring the embedded ReplayWeb.page <replay-web-page> tag.

Key Default Value Value Type
replay {} Object
replay.embed "replayonly" "replayonly"|"full"|"default" ReplayWeb.page embed option
replay.replayBase "./replay/" "./replay/"|string" ReplayWeb.page replayBase option


Configure location of web archive files.

Key Default Value Value Type
archives [] undefined|string[]|{name:string;url:string}[]

Option values can be a JSON array of plain URL strings or an object with name and url


  "archives": [
    // Plain URL string:

    // Plain URL string to S3 bucket

    // Plain URL string to a file relative to output `_site`

    // Object with name and URL:
      "name": "My Web Archive",
      "url": "s3://my-bucket/b/archive.wacz"

Setting archivesPath will override this option.

Build-time options

The following options can only be set at build-time (i.e. when you run npm run build.) Updates to options in your output _site/wrg-config.json file will have no effect.

replayBaseURL [Build-time Only]

Base URL for ReplayWeb.page scripts.

Key Default Value Value Type
replayBaseURL "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/replaywebpage" string Base URL for ReplayWeb.page scripts

archivesPath [Build-time Only]

Path to local web archive files.

Key Default Value Value Type
archivesPath undefined string

Paths should be relative to your project root (i.e. where you execute npm run build.) Option values can be:

  • Relative path to directory containing .wacz files
  • Relative path to .txt file with newline-separated list of remote URLs
  • Relative path to JSON file with an archives key where the value is a JSON array


  "archivesPath": "./wacz-files/"
  "archivesPath": "./source_data/archives.json"

Take precedence over the archives array.


Github Pages

By default, Web Replay Gen will deploy to Pages on every push to the main branch, as configured in this GitHub Workflow. To change the deployment workflow (e.g. to change the release branch) update the publish-gh-pages.yml workflow file.

Local web archive support

Due to GitHub's file size limit and lack of support for git LFS in Pages, you may run into an issue with deploying large web archive files. To resolve the issue, you can create a separate workflow for uploading web archive files elsewhere (e.g. to an S3 bucket) and configure your site with the remote URLs. Alternatively, you can self-host.


To prevent deployment to Pages, either disable the workflow through the GitHub UI or simply delete the workflow file (publish-gh-pages.yml.)


First, remove the Pages workflow. Run the build script to output your site into a local directory:

npm run build

This will output a production-ready build to /_site. Transfer the contents of /_site to your host.

Dev Server

Run the dev server with npm run serve to serve files from /_site.

Saving changes to src will automatically reload the page. See 11ty Browsersync docs to customize the dev server.

Local configuration

Create and configure options in wrg-config.local.json to specify different site options during local development.

To use wrg-local.local.json, run the following:

echo 'WRG_CONFIG_NAME=wrg-config.local.json' > .env

To disable, comment out the line in .env:

# WRG_CONFIG_NAME=wrg-config.local.json


Web Replay Gen templates are written in Nunjucks. You are free to use any templating language Eleventy supports, like plain HTML, markdown, or ejs.

Web Components & client-side JavaScript

JS files in /js will be copied as-is to _site. To include JS files in templates, import as ES modules and use module-shim. For example, to render a Web Component called my-component:

<!-- my-template.njk -->

<script type="module-shim">



TailwindCSS is enabled in all Eleventy template files. You can install a specific Tailwind version with npm install -D tailwindcss@{version}.

Note: Tailwind is not available in web components (/components/*.js) due to limitations with the shadow DOM. See workarounds if you'd like to access Tailwind classes in web components.


Tailwind supports inline-style-like customization through arbitrary values in class names. For a more global approach to customization (for example, if you have vendor CSS file) include a <link rel="stylesheet"> tag in your template file. Any .css files in /src will be copied to the output site folder and can be referenced in the <link> tag.


Static Site Generator for Viewing Web Archives (in WACZ) format

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 85.9%Language:Nunjucks 13.9%Language:CSS 0.3%