webmat / devopsmtl.com

The Ansible playbook to deploy the website for DevOpsMtl

Home Page:www.devopsmtl.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The website for DevOpsMtl is at www.devopsmtl.com.


brew install python ansible
pip install python-keyczar==0.71c


Enter the host in the hosts file. Here's an example:



Verify connectivity:

# ping an unprovisioned node
ansible next -i hosts -u root -m ping
# or a provisioned node
ansible prod -i hosts -u dieu -m ping

Initial bootstrapping

ansible-playbook -l next -i hosts bootstrap.yml

# And either
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml --tags=jetpack
# or
ansible-playbook -l next -i hosts site.yml --extra-vars "server_hostname=test.devopsmtl.com"

Remote manual interventions

ansible all --sudo -i hosts -m service -a "name=nginx state=reloaded"
ansible all --sudo -i hosts -m service -a "name=php5-fpm state=restarted"
ansible all --sudo -i hosts -m service -a "name=mysql state=restarted"


Trigger a backup from workstation

thor backup:perform
# or limit like Ansible
thor backup:perform -l prod

Trigger a backup from the server

sudo backup perform --config-file=/etc/backup/config.rb --trigger=wordpress

Restore the Wordpress backup

curl "[s3 url]" > wordpress.tar
tar -xf wordpress.tar
sudo tar -xzf wordpress/archives/uploads.tar.gz -C /srv/wordpress/wp-content/uploads
sudo chown -R wordpress.wordpress /srv/wordpress/wp-content/uploads
gunzip wordpress/databases/MySQL.sql.gz
sudo mysql wp_domtl < wordpress/databases/MySQL.sql

Testing a new server on test.devopsmtl.com

# Check state
sudo mysql wp_domtl -e 'select * from wp_options where option_value like "%www.devopsmtl.com%" \G'
# Point wordpress to test.devopsmtl.com
sudo mysql wp_domtl -e "update wp_options set option_value = 'http://test.devopsmtl.com' where option_name in ('home', 'siteurl');"
# Point wordpress back to www.devopsmtl.com
sudo mysql wp_domtl -e "update wp_options set option_value = 'http://www.devopsmtl.com' where option_name in ('home', 'siteurl');"


sudo beaver -F string -f /var/log/nginx/*.log


The Ansible playbook to deploy the website for DevOpsMtl



Language:Ruby 85.8%Language:Shell 14.2%