webjunkie / django-paypal-adaptive

Paypal Adaptive API support for Django

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Django Paypal Adaptive

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The API and the modules in this repository might be subject to smaller changes and not all Paypal Adaptive endpoints are covered. FundedByMe will help make the covering of the Pay, Preapproval and IPN endpoints as good as possible but we might not have the resources to perfect this project.

Making Preapprovals and using them to create Payments is fully supported together with Paypal's IPN push API. Please reach out to us if you're interested in helping maintaining this package.


Install package from PyPI:

$ pip install django-paypal-adaptive

Add to your project's INSTALLED_APPS setting:

    # …

Add to your url config:

url(r'^paypaladaptive/', include('paypaladaptive.urls'))

Sync the database:

$ python manage.py syncdb

Or if you're using South you might want to add an initial migration for future changes:

$ python manage.py schemamigration paypaladaptive --initial
$ python manage.py syncdb --migrate



Test the calls with sandbox account emails or you'll probably get 'Account is restricted' errors.

Simple payment: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/integration-guide/APIntro/#id0937N0Q0JY4

from paypaladaptive.models import Payment
from moneyed import Money, USD
from paypaladaptive.api import ReceiverList, Receiver

receiver = Receiver(amount=100, email="receiver1@example.com")
receivers = ReceiverList([receiver])

payment = Payment()
payment.money = Money(receivers.total_amount, USD)

# Redirect the user to the next_url() value
redirect_url = payment.next_url()

Implicit payment: Implicit approval payments, in which your application is both the sender of a payment and the caller of the Adaptive Payments Pay API. In this case, PayPal makes the payment from your own account, which eliminates the need for approval. Set the senderEmail to your account when you call the process method.

from paypaladaptive.models import Payment
from moneyed import Money, USD
from paypaladaptive.api import ReceiverList, Receiver
from paypaladaptive.settings import PAYPAL_EMAIL

receiver = Receiver(amount=10, email="receiver1@example.com")
receivers = ReceiverList([receiver])

payment = Payment()
payment.money = Money(receivers.total_amount, USD)

Specify allowed funding selections for a payment: If the 'fundingConstraing' field is omitted, the payment can be funded by any funding type that is supported for Adaptive Payments. Allowable values are: ECHECK – Electronic check BALANCE – PayPal account balance CREDITCARD – Credit card Note: ECHECK and CREDITCARD include BALANCE implicitly.

from paypaladaptive.models import Payment
from moneyed import Money, USD
from paypaladaptive.api import ReceiverList, Receiver
from paypaladaptive.settings import PAYPAL_EMAIL

receiver = Receiver(amount=10, email="receiver1@example.com")
receivers = ReceiverList([receiver])

payment = Payment()
payment.money = Money(receivers.total_amount, USD)
# only PayPal account balance payment allowed
    fundingConstraint={'allowedFundingType': [{'fundingTypeInfo': {'fundingType': 'BALANCE'}}]},

Parallel payment with 2 receivers:

from paypaladaptive.models import Payment
from moneyed import Money, USD
from paypaladaptive.api import ReceiverList, Receiver

receiver1 = Receiver(amount=100, email="receiver1@example.com")
receiver2 = Receiver(amount=1900, email="receiver2@example.com")
receivers = ReceiverList([receiver1, receiver2])

payment = Payment()
payment.money = Money(receivers.total_amount, USD)

# Redirect the user to the next_url() value
redirect_url = payment.next_url()

Parallel payment with 2 receivers where the sender pays the fees and we also set reverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError to True: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/integration-guide/APIntro/#id091QF0 Learn more about PAY API operation fields: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/api/adaptive-payments/Pay_API_Operation/

from paypaladaptive.models import Payment
from moneyed import Money, USD
from paypaladaptive.api import ReceiverList, Receiver

receiver1 = Receiver(amount=100, email="receiver1@example.com")
receiver2 = Receiver(amount=1900, email="receiver2@example.com")
receivers = ReceiverList([receiver1, receiver2])

payment = Payment()
payment.money = Money(receivers.total_amount, USD)

# Redirect the user to the next_url() value
redirect_url = payment.next_url()

response = payment.update(save=False)
payment.debug_response['feesPayer'] # SENDER
payment.debug_response['reverseAllParallelPaymentsOnError'] # true

Chained payment with 2 receivers: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/integration-guide/APIntro/#id091QF0I30YK Primary gets: $2 Secodaries get: $4

from paypaladaptive.models import Payment
from moneyed import Money, USD
from paypaladaptive.api import ReceiverList, Receiver

primary = Receiver(amount=10, email="primary@example.com", primary=True)
secondary1 = Receiver(amount=4, email="secondary1@example.com")
secondary2 = Receiver(amount=4, email="secondary2@example.com")
receivers = ReceiverList([primary, secondary1, secondary2])

payment = Payment()
payment.money = Money(primary.amount, USD)

# Redirect the user to the next_url() value
redirect_url = payment.next_url()

Create and process a preapproval for a payment.

from paypaladaptive.models import Preapproval
from moneyed import Money, USD

preapproval = Preapproval()
preapproval.money = Money(2000, USD)
preapproval.process(next='/home/', displayMaxTotalAmount=True)

# Redirect the user to the next_url() value
redirect_url = preapproval.next_url()

Create and process a payment to two receivers from a preapproval key.

from paypaladaptive.models import Payment
from paypaladaptive.api import ReceiverList, Receiver
from moneyed import Money, USD

key = 'PA-2MT146200X905683P'
platform = Receiver(amount=100, email="merchant@example.com", primary=False)
merchant = Receiver(amount=1900, email="mrbuyer@antonagestam.se", primary=True)
receivers = ReceiverList([platform, merchant])

p = Payment()
p.money = Money(2000, USD)
p.process(receivers, preapproval_key=key)

Convert currencies: In this case no models are involved, we just call the ConvertCurrency API endpoint. https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/api/adaptive-payments/ConvertCurrency_API_Operation/

from paypaladaptive.api import ConvertCurrency, MoneyList
from moneyed import Money, USD, GBP

convert_from = MoneyList([Money(10.55, USD), Money(20.64, GBP)])
convert_to = ['CAD', 'AUD', 'HUF']
response = ConvertCurrency(convert_from, convert_to).call()

specifiying conversionType and countryCode fields: PayPal country codes: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/api/country_codes/

convert_from = MoneyList([Money(10.55, USD), Money(20.64, GBP)])
convert_to = ['CAD', 'AUD', 'HUF']
response = ConvertCurrency(
    convert_from, convert_to,
    conversionType='BALANCE_TRANSFER', countryCode='HUF'

IPN vs Delayed Updates

Paypal Adaptive uses IPN messages to ping your server about Payment and Preapproval updates. Using IPN requires you to listen for incoming calls from Paypal. Sometimes Paypal has issues with their IPN service and therefor you might sometimes need to ping them for an update of the status instead. This package comes with both and they can be used in parallel. That way you get both the speed and asynchronous nature of IPN messages and the stability of delayed lookups. Delayed lookups are disabled by default and requires Celery to be installed. To install this requirement automatically, use:

$ pip install django-paypal-adaptive[delayed-updates]

And set PAYPAL_USE_DELAYED_UPDATES to True in your Django settings. Note that this requires you to setup Celery on your own.

You can also implement your own background tasks and logic and call Preapproval.update() and Payment.update() when you find it appropriate.


The Payment and Preapproval inherit from an abstract model PaypalAdaptive and therefor shares some data fields.


money is a django-money MoneyField. MoneyField extends Django's DecimalField so has max_digits and decimal_places attributes that can be set with the PAYPAL_MAX_DIGITS and PAYPAL_DECIMAL_PLACES settings.


DateTimeField with auto_now_add=True.


Raw request body (JSON)


Raw response body (JSON)


Secret identifier of each object.



Possible values are:

'new'  # Payment only exists locally
'created'  # Payment exists on Paypal
'error'  # Something along the process has gone wrong. Check status_detail
         # for more info.
'returned'  # User has returned via the Payment return_url
'completed'  # The Payment is complete
'refunded'  # The Payment is refunded
'canceled'  # The Payment has been canceled


Stores error messages from the latest transaction


Corresponds to Paypal Adaptive's payKey



Possible values are:

'new'  # Preapproval only exists locally — not known to Paypal
'created'  # Preapproval has been saved on Paypal
'error'  # Something has gone wrong, check status_detail for more info
'returned'  # User has returned via the Preapproval return_url
'approved'  # Preapproval is completed — ready to be used in payment
'canceled'  # Preapproval has been canceled
'used'  # Preapproval has been used in payment


Stores error messages from the latest transaction


Preapproval expiry date



Your Paypal application ID. Will default to APP-80W284485P519543T if DEBUG is set to True.


Paypal User ID


Paypal password


Paypal signature


Paypal Email


Whether or not to listen for incoming IPN messages. Defaults to True.


'http' or 'https'. Defaults to settings.DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL. If settings.DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL is not set it defaults to 'http'.


Default is None in which case Site.objects.get_current().domain is used. Useful if you want to test the IPN in localhost (e.g. https://ngrok.com/).


Whether or not to schedule update tasks for Preapprovals and Payments. Defaults to False.


Used by python-money, will default to USD


Number of decimal places assigned to the MoneyField (used by Payment and Preapproval models).


Max number of digits assigned to the Moneyfield (used by Payment and Preapproval models).


Set whether tests should be run with built-in mocking responses and requests or if the testing should spawn requests that hits Paypal's APIs directly. Defaults to True.

Run tests

To run the tests, first install the test requirements:

$ [sudo] pip install -r requirements_test.txt --use-mirrors

The script that runs the tests simulates an installed Django app and is located in runtests.py. Execute it like this:

$ python runtests.py


Do you want to contribute? We'll gladly accept pull requests as long as your code is well tested and contributes to the goal of this library.


Creative Commons-licens
django-paypal-adaptive av FundedByMe är licensierad under en Creative Commons Erkännande 3.0 Unported licens.
Based on a work at https://github.com/gmcguire/django-paypal-adaptive.


Paypal Adaptive API support for Django


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