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Webhook Relay client


Webhook Relay client for Mac/Linux/Windows. Receive webhooks on localhost or other internal services or demo without deployment. Persistent endpoints, works anywhere.


Installation instructions can be found here.

Prior to getting started

If you have a regular (non OAuth) account - just do:

relay login

If you are using OAuth - head to the access keys page and create a Key and Secret pair. Use that pair to login.

Getting started

The best way to learn more about relay agent is to dig into the --help section:

$  relay --help

Usage:	relay COMMAND

Webhook Relay - tunnels for webhooks to internal and public services.

By using this product, you are agreeing to the terms of the the AppScension Ltd. Terms of service can be found at: https://webhookrelay.com/terms/

Don't have an account? Create one here: https://my.webhookrelay.com/register

      --config string   Location of client config files (default "/Users/karolisrusenas/.webhookrelay")
      --help            Print usage
      --tls             Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify (default true)
      --tlsverify       Use TLS and verify the remote
  -v, --version         Print version information and quit

Management Commands:
  bucket      Manage buckets - used to group inputs and outputs together
  ingress     Manage ingresses - reverse tunnels for Kubernetes
  input       Manage inputs - your personal endpoints to receive webhooks
  output      Manage outputs - destinations where requests are relayed
  token       Manage tokens - required for API (OAuth users) and webhook streaming connections
  tunnel      Manage tunnels - bidirectional connections that expose internal services (EXPERIMENTAL)

  connect     Connects supplied destination to the public endpoint
  forward     Create forwarding configuration (automatically creates bucket, input endpoint and output destination). If destination and bucket aren't specified - starts a relay for all endpoints
  login       Log in to a Webhook Relay service
  logout      Log out from a Webhook Relay service

Run 'relay COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

or visit documentation page: https://webhookrelay.com/v1/guide/cli.

Examples (Relay CLI)

Start one-way forwarding of requests

$ relay forward -b webhook-demo http://localhost:8090/webhook
https://my.webhookrelay.com/v1/webhooks/3731509a-2f84-4a60-bb52-1c1ad8c6cc56 -> http://localhost:8090/webhook
starting webhook relay agent...

Option -b (bucket) is optional, but it will help to reuse buckets.


To delete buckets that you have created (force is required to ignore existing inputs/outputs in the bucket):

$ relay bucket rm webhook-demo -f

Open a two-way tunnel

Tunnels allows you to expose local (localhost, and any other private or external networks), argument after connect command always defines destination:

$ relay connect -s kubernetes
http://kubernetes.webrelay.io <-- http -->
Starting tunnel relay agent...

You can also connect any external service:

$ relay connect -s hn https://news.ycombinator.com/
http://hn.webrelay.io <-- http --> https://news.ycombinator.com/
Starting tunnel relay agent...
  • -s flag here sets custom subdomain.

Examples (Docker relayd)

To start relayd agent in a Docker container, supply key and secret through environment variables:

Webhook forwarding mode (default):

docker run -e KEY=<your key> -e SECRET=<your secret> webhookrelay/webhookrelayd:latest

Tunnel mode:

docker run -e KEY=<your key> -e SECRET=<your secret> webhookrelay/webhookrelayd:latest --mode tunnel

See it in action

Reporting issues

Issues or questions can be asked here or via email support@webhookrelay.com..