webgou / NewsReader-1

Sample NewsReader Native iOS Universal app that uses the HuffPoAPI library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


NewsReader is a native iOS Universal app for reading news from JSON APIs. It's currently coded to support APIs from the Huffington Post, but it would be relatively easy to add support for a wide variety of content sources that offer JSON APIs.


Xcode Version 4.4.1 (4F1003) RestKit (https://github.com/RestKit/RestKit) Huffington Post APIs v1

Description (iPhone)

The home screen is mapped to the Huffington Post Top News feed, by default. The section name will be displayed along the top of the screen. Flipping left/right will page through the stories in the feed. The stories will be displayed with their image, title, tag line, author, date published, and abstract.

Flipping up/down will page through the current story.

Clicking on the section name will display a menu containing the list of sections. Selecting a different section will change the feed to the feed for that section.

Entering search terms in the search bar will produce a feed containing the resulting stories.


Sample NewsReader Native iOS Universal app that uses the HuffPoAPI library