weavy / weavy-webview

Weavy WebView for Xamarin.Forms. A view for displaying Weavy content in your app.

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Weavy WebView

Weavy WebView for Xamarin.Forms. A view for displaying Weavy content in your app.


Weavy.WebView.Plugin.Forms is available via NuGet:

  • NuGet Official Releases: Nuget (with prereleases)

Quick start




Figure 1. Adding a Weavy WebView in a .xaml view

var weavyWebView = new WeavyWebView{
    Uri = "https://myweavy.weavycloud.com"

Figure 2. Adding a Weavy WebView in code

weavyWebView.InitCompleted += (s, a) => { 

Figure 3. Load the initial request when the WebView is initiated

Weavy WebView properties

Property Description
Uri The uri that the WebView should display
AuthenticationToken A JWT authentication token to enable SSO. For more information, please check out the Weavy Docs
CanGoBack If the WebView can go back in history
CanGoForward If the WebView can go forward in history

Weavy WebView methods

Method Description
Load(string uri = null, string authenticationToken = null) Load and display the Uri in the WebView. Optionally pass in uri and authenticationToken. Otherwise these will be read from the properties Uri and AuthenticationToken
Reload() Reload the current url in the WebView
GoBack() Go back one step in page history
GoForward() Go forward one step in page history
GetUser(Action<string> callback) Get the current logged in user. A json string of the user is returned to the callback
RegisterCallback(string name, Action<string> callback) Register a custom callback with a specific name and the callback that should be called from javascript
InjectJavaScript(string script) Inject a custom javascript to the WebView. If you want to call a callback that you have registered (check out method above) you shoud call this in the script like this Native('myCallbackName', myArgs)

Weavy WebView events

Event Description
InitCompleted When the WebView is initiated and ready to load a uri. Listen to this event before Loading the Uri using Load()
Loading The Weavy WebView is loading the requested Uri
LoadFinished The Weavy WebView has finished loading the Uri
LoadError An error occurred when loading the Uri
SSOError If AuthenticationToken is specified and an error occurred when using the token, this event will be triggered.
BadgeUpdated The Weavy badge is updated. Either a new message or a new notification. You can get the badge values from the BadgeEventArgs parameter.
Theming The Weavy web site has a theme. This will be retured on each request and triggers the Theming event. You can get the themeing values from the ThemingEventArgs parameter.
LinkClicked An external link has been clicked in the Weavy WebView. If you want to open extrnal links in the mobile web browser, you can listen for this event and call Launcher.OpenAsync(new Uri(args.Url)); in Xamarin.Forms. The url can be read from the LinkEventArgs.
SignedOut Triggered when the user signs out from Weavy.

Using SSO

If you are using this plugin in an existing app you have most certainly already an authentication flow for the users. Weavy uses JWT to enable a SSO flow between the host app and the Weavy integration. You can read more about how JWT works with Weavy in the Weavy Docs.

When you have generated the JWT according to the specs in the Docs, you can pass this to a Weavy WebView and the user will automatically be signed in.

var weavyWebView = new WeavyWebView{
    Uri = "https://myweavy.weavycloud.com/e/apps/10",
    AuthenticationToken = myGeneratedJWT

weavyWebView.InitCompleted += (s, a) => { weavyWebView.Load(); };

Figure 4. Add a Weavy WebView with an AuthenticationToken.


public class MyPage: ContentPage {

    public MyPage(){
        // create new WebView and generate a new JWT token (See section Using SSO above)
        var weavyWebView = new WeavyWebView{
            Uri = "https://myweavy.weavycloud.com/e/apps/10",
            AuthenticationToken = GenerateJWT() 

        // make sure to init webview before doing the Load
        weavyWebView.InitCompleted += (s, a) => { weavyWebView.Load(); };

        // web view has finished loading page
        weavyWebView.LoadFinished += (sender, args) =>
            // example of getting current logged in user
            weavyWebView.GetUser((jsonData) => {
                var user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<User>(jsonData);                    

        // an external link was clicked in the web view
        weavyWebView.LinkClicked += (sender, linkArgs) =>
            // open link in mobile browser

        // listen to badge updated event
        weavyWebView.BadgeUpdated += (sender, badgeArgs) =>
            var unreadConversations = badgeArgs.Conversations;
            var unreadNotifications = badgeArgs.Notifications;

            // update app badge or do something else with the badge data...



Sample app

A sample app is included which shows the most common usages of the Weavy WebView.


Weavy WebView for Xamarin.Forms. A view for displaying Weavy content in your app.


Language:C# 100.0%