wdeer / middleman-webpack-boilerplate

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

In Brief

This site is developed with Middleman, a static site generator, and therefore requires no relational database. Middleman (combined with Webpack) watches and compiles all files and assets. Use NPM (preferred) or Bower to manage vendor packages.

Features/Packages: BrowserSync, Webpack, Breakpoint-sass, and so much more!

Requirements: Ruby and Node/NPM (using rbenv and nodenv to manage is recommended)


first run bundle and then run yarn (or npm install) in terminal within the project's root directory

note: This project has only been tested with ruby v2.4.2 and node v8.9.4 / npm v6.9.4

Getting Started

Webpack is integrated into the middleman build workflow so only middleman commands should be used in the command line.

middleman serve will start the local dev environment and trigger webpack. Webpack will watch all assets then recompile and livereload the changes. Visit http://localhost:4567 to see the site in browser.

middleman build will compile the full static site into a /build/ directory (See additional caveats at bottom of this page)

##Project Files ASSETS: All SCSS and Javascript assets are located within their respective directorys within ./source/

HTML: All html files are located within the ./source/ directory within the root of the project. Since middleman is ruby, all html files must be appended with .erb and can run erb templating and digest any yaml front matter, or yaml/json within the ./data/ directory

  • Proxy Pages (aka Dynamic Pages): ./source/templates/page.html.erb is a template file that grabs subpage data within the "page" array in ./data/main.yml The configuration for this is within ./config.rb:
data.main.pages.each do |page|
    proxy "/#{page.slug}.html", "/templates/page.html", :locals => { :page => page }, :ignore => true



Language:Ruby 29.1%Language:CSS 29.0%Language:JavaScript 25.8%Language:HTML 16.2%