apiminer is a Python package that handles communications with your miner APIs so you don't have to. Apiminer formats the output into a dictionary object for use in your reporting script. It can, optionally, automatically grab the latest status every time it is called.
- Apiminer supports:
- ClaymoreRPC
- XMRStak
- CGMinerRPC
- Team Red Miner
- SGMiner (Untested)
- CGMiner (Untested)
- Others Coming Soon
Mediocre documentation is available at https://wcpannell.github.io/apiminer/
A trivial example:
>>> import apiminer >>> claymore_miner_1 = apiminer.ClaymoreRPC("", 8080) >>> print(claymore_miner_1.unified_data()) {"coin": "ethash", "total hashrate": 75965000, "shares": {"accepted": 1452, "rejected": 28, "invalid": 0}, "uptime": "23:33", "version": "PM 4.2c - ETH", "GPUs": {"GPU 0": {"temp": 63, "fan": 66, "hashrate": 30026000}, "GPU 1": {"temp": 55, "fan": 33, "hashrate": 15326000}, "GPU 2": {"temp": 52, "fan": 32, "hashrate": 15304000}, "GPU 3": {"temp": 51, "fan": 31, "hashrate": 15308000}}} >>> teamredminer_1 = apiminer.TeamRedMiner("", 8080) >>> TeamRedMiner_1.coin = "Monero" >>> print(teamredminer_1.unified_data()) {"coin": "Monero", "total hashrate": 2224.0, "shares": {"accepted": 16057, "rejected": 2, "invalid": 1}, "uptime": "132:42", "version": "TeamRedMiner 0.4.5", "GPUs": {"GPU 0": {"hashrate": 2224, "temp": 53, "fan": 79}}}