wchopite / settle-challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rest API with Nodejs and MongoDB

This API is designed using multiple layers:

  1. API: Presentation Layer (Routes and Controllers).
  2. Service: Layer with all the business logic.
  3. DAL (Data Access Layer): This layer separates access to data sources (databases). Use a type of Repository Pattern, trying to maintain a common interface to the service layer, allowing if necessary change the database engine (for example: change MongoDB for MySQL)
  4. Shared: This layer contains modules common to all layers, such as an http client and the logger

Of course this is a beginning. A good idea is to add a central layer called Domain, with all the business logic, and create models for each layer. In other words, try to apply a full Clean Architecture` https://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2012/08/13/the-clean-architecture.html

To start:

  1. Clone this repo using git clone https://github.com/wchopite/settle-challenge.git
  2. Rename the file .env.example to .env and setup the environment vars
  3. Install the dependencies with npm install
  4. Create the databases you have setup on step 2
  5. Run the application in development mode with npm run start:dev
  6. Access http://localhost:8080/

Each request to the API must include the following headers:

Content-Type: "application/json"

Things to do after configuration and dependencies installation (test purpose)

  1. Create a rate from the default provider (fixerio) using the /api/provider_rates endpoint
  2. To create an custom rate (rate with a custom fee)

Check the future swagger doc /api/docs for more information


This repo comes with some npm scripts, you will run them with npm run <script name>:

  • start Run the application in production mode
  • start:dev: Run the application in development mode
  • lint: Lint the codebase
  • test: Run the all test suite
  • coverage: Run the coverage using nyc
  • verify: Run the lint and testcommand

For testing, mocha, chai, and supertest are used

Running the app with docker-compose


If you wish, you can run the app using Docker and Docker Compose. For this, you need:

  1. Install Docker: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
  2. Install Docker Compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/

Once you have installed them, in the root folder of the project you need to run docker-compose up. This command generate the containers with the node app and mongo database. Then you can test it using an application like Postman (for example)

Endpoints documentation


This API will use swagger for the documentation of endpoints. To access this (in future), you just need to start the server and then access http://server:port/api/docs, for example: http://localhost:8080/api/docs

Deployed example

  1. Global health check: http://ec2-3-134-92-245.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8080/
  2. Swagger API Documentation: aws code deployed, docs endpoint (Pending)

Thinks to do

  1. Add unit and integration test
  2. Add input validation on endpoints using joi https://hapi.dev/family/joi/
  3. To improve error management
  4. To improve coverage with nyc lib
  5. Add a new command to run in a separate way the unit and integration test
  6. Allow pagination in the endpoints
  7. Create a separate file for the server
  8. Add files configuration to CI/CD (codeship, google cloud build...)
  9. To improve the abstraction on the repositories (DAL layer, access to database) and define a better interface to the service layer
  10. To improve management dependencies, using for example an IoC (Inversion of Control) container, like: awilix, bottlejs, inversify



Language:JavaScript 100.0%