wcbeard / purescript-react

React Bindings for PureScript

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React Bindings for PureScript.

WARNING: This is alpha quaility software and you need to use nightly build of React.

module Main where

import React
import React.DOM

hello = mkUI spec do
  props <- getProps
  return $ h1 [
      className "Hello"
    ] [
      text "Hello, ",
      text props.name

incrementCounter = do
  val <- readState
  writeState (val + 1)

counter = mkUI spec { getInitialState = return 0 } do
  val <- readState
  return $ p [
      className "Counter",
      onClick incrementCounter
    ] [
      text (show val),
      text " Click me to increment!"

main = do
  let component = div {} [hello {name: "World"}, counter {}]
  renderToBody component


React Bindings for PureScript