wcameronbowen / iOS-apps

Learning iOS app engineering

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Learning iOS app engineering


Model layer: holds the data

View layer: contains objects that are visible to the user

Controller layer: controls the view and model


Interface Builder

  • document outline
    • this contains the "scenes" or the "screens"
  • canvas
    • the buttons, labels, input boxes, etc. are called view objects.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Cmd + R starts the simulator.

Auto layout

This tool will guarantee that the app will look great on any screen size.


  • if there are mistakes the constraints will show orange or red color


  • a connection lets one object know where the another object is in memory so they can communicate
  • the two types of connections are an outlet and action
    • an outlet is a reference to an object
    • an action is a method that gets triggered by a button or some other view object like slider or picker
  • The object is the target that triggers the method.

Model layer

  • Constant is denoted using let
  • Variable is denoted using var


Learning iOS app engineering


Language:Swift 100.0%