wcai49 / cinemachine_doc_Chinese

这个仓库是关于Unity官方package: Cinemachine的技术文档中文翻译。

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


简介 Introduction


This project is about Unity's official verified package: cinemachine's documentation translated in Chinese.

更新计划表 Release Schedule

Section/Page Status Expected Release Time
设置基本cinemachine环境 Deployed June 12th, 2024
设置多个cinemachien摄像机 Deployed June 12th, 2024
向cinemachine摄像机添加程序化行为 Deployed June 12th, 2024
使用cinemachine摄像机设置时间轴 Deployed June 12th, 2024
使用方便的工具和快捷方式 Deployed June 19th, 2024
预置相机 Deployed June 19th, 2024
场景处理 Deployed June 19th, 2024
运行模式下保存 Deployed June 19th, 2024
跟踪和框定角色 Deployed June 26th, 2024
跟踪和框定群组 Deployed June 26th, 2024
创建自由视角相机 Deployed June 26th, 2024
创建第三人称相机 Deployed June 26th, 2024
Cinemachine与2D图形 Deployed July 5th, 2024
Cinemachine与俯视游戏 Deployed July 5th, 2024

状态更新表 Status check

Bugs Status Expected Fixing Time Comment
希望在翻译完所有页面之前,先将英文页面都上传完成 won't fix N/A 具体原因可关注B站直播消息,将在直播时解答
希望可以保留Unity原专有名词,例如input system, inspector 等等 Will fix N/A

声明 Disclaimer

本网站的英文内容由Unity Technologies提供;中文翻译由中文Unity游戏开发者提供。欢迎所有开发者前往Github仓库地址参与项目,提供改进建议。

The English content on this site is provided by Unity Technologies; The Chinese translation is provided by Chinese Unity game developers. The Github repository link welcomes all developers to participate in the project and provide improvement suggestions.




https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.cinemachine@3.0/manual/index.html 。


这个仓库是关于Unity官方package: Cinemachine的技术文档中文翻译。


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