wazzac / domTranslate

The Laravel Auto-Translation Package enables seamless multilingual support by allowing you to define phrases for automatic translation within your Laravel application. Using a built-in Blade directive, you can easily mark phrases that need translation before they are displayed to the user. This package simplifies multi-language management.

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A library that will use the built-in Laravel Derictive and provide automated translations to all your blade phrases or words.

Example: Write HTML static data in English and display it in a different language on run time (...in real-time).


The library contains 3 database tables (domt_phrases, domt_translations and domt_languages) that are used to retrieve translations using an indexed hash.

  1. On page load, the system will search for a specific translation using the provided phrase (in the @transl8() directive) in the domt_translations table.
  2. If the translation was found, it will be returned and displayed on the page (no API call was made).
  3. If no transalation were found (not previously translated), call the Google Translate API endpoint (or any other Provider) to retrieve the correct translation.
  4. Insert the newly translated text into the DB so that we don't have to call the API again for the given phrase (step 1 above).


PHP 8.0 is a minimum requirement for this project.

  1. Follow the below steps to install the package
composer require wazza/dom-translate
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="dom-translate-config"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="dom-translate-migrations"
php artisan migrate
  1. Add DOM_TRANSLATE_GOOGLE_KEY={key value from Google} to your .env file and run...
php artisan config:cache

The example below of all the supported env keys that can be added with their current default values if not given. The KEY (i.e. DOM_TRANSLATE_GOOGLE_KEY) items are required.


Note: If you don't have a Google Cloud Platform account yet, click on the link and sign up. Create a new Project and add the Cloud Translation API to it. You can use Insomnia (image below) to test your API key.

  1. Done. Review any configuration file changes that you might want to change. The config file was published to the main config folder.

All done: Start your service again and update your Blade files with the @transl8 directive. Only new un-translated phrases will be translated via the API call. Any future requests, for the same phrase, will be retrieved from the database.

HTML Blade Example

Find below a few examples of how to use the translate Blade directive in your HTML (Blade) files.

    {{-- Fully dependant on the source and destination language settings, only provide a phrase (this is the default way) --}}
    <p>@transl8("I like this feature.")</p>

    {{-- Overwrite the default (1) Destination language by including a second (destination) argument --}}
    <p>@transl8("We need to test it in the staging environment.","de")</p>

    {{-- Overwrite the default (1) Source and (2) Destination languages by including a second (destination) and third (source) argument --}}
    <p>@transl8("Wie weet waar Willem Wouter woon?","en","af")</p>

    {{-- Use a Blade Language Specific directive for each language --}}
    <p>@transl8fr("This phrase will be translated to French.")</p>
    <p>@transl8de("This phrase will be translated to German.")</p>
    <p>@transl8je("This phrase will be translated to Japanese.")</p>

    {{-- ...you can update the Laravel AppServiceProvider register() method and add more of your own directives but ultimately the default @transl8() should be sufficient --}}

    {{-- ...and lastly, a phrase that will not be translated --}}
    <p>This phrase will not be translated.</p>

Blade Directive Example:

The below 4 directives are available by default (@transl8() is the main one).

You are welcome to add more directly in your Laravel AppServiceProvider file (under the register() method)

// (1) Register the DEFAULT Blade Directives - @transl8()
// With `transl8`, only the first argument is required (phrase).
// If you do not supply the destination or source languages, the default values will be sourced from the Config file.
// -- Format: transl8('Phrase','target','source')
// -- Example: transl8('This must be translated to French.','fr')
Blade::directive('transl8', function ($string) {
    return \Wazza\DomTranslate\Controllers\TranslateController::phrase($string);

// (2) Register DIRECT (language specific) Blade directives, all from English (source)
// (2.1) French - @transl8fr('phrase')
Blade::directive('transl8fr', function ($string) {
    return \Wazza\DomTranslate\Controllers\TranslateController::translate($string, "fr", "en");
// (2.2) German - @transl8de('phrase')
Blade::directive('transl8de', function ($string) {
    return \Wazza\DomTranslate\Controllers\TranslateController::translate($string, "de", "en");
// (2.3) Japanese - @transl8je('phrase')
Blade::directive('transl8je', function ($string) {
    return \Wazza\DomTranslate\Controllers\TranslateController::translate($string, "je", "en");
// (2.4) etc. You can create your own in Laravel's AppServiceProvider register() method, but ultimately the default @transl8() should be sufficient.

Outstanding Development (Backlog)

  • Create an alternative Translation Engine/s. Google Translate is currently the only supported option via Wazza\DomTranslate\Controllers\ApiTranslate\GoogleTranslate(). Other possible options that can be added: 'NLP Translation', 'Microsoft Translator', etc. (Important: Add the Translation path to the config file - see below)
    // line 14 in 'wazza\dom-translate\config\dom_translate.php'
    // 3rd party translation service providers.
    'api' => [
        'provider' => env('DOM_TRANSLATE_PROVIDER', 'google'),
        'google' => [
            'controller' => "Wazza\DomTranslate\Controllers\ApiTranslate\GoogleTranslate",
            'endpoint' => "https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2",
            'action' => "POST",
            'key' => env('DOM_TRANSLATE_GOOGLE_KEY', null), // https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials
        // @todo - for developers wanting to contribute:
        // fork the project and add more translate providers here... (and their \ApiTranslate\Class implementing CloudTranslateInterface)
        // ... thanks ;)

Run local tests


Important: For the final 2 assert Tests to work, you would have to add your own personal Google Translate key as DOM_TRANSLATE_GOOGLE_KEY=xxx in .env (at the time of writing there were free options available)


The Laravel Auto-Translation Package enables seamless multilingual support by allowing you to define phrases for automatic translation within your Laravel application. Using a built-in Blade directive, you can easily mark phrases that need translation before they are displayed to the user. This package simplifies multi-language management.


License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%