waywardgeek / not_rune

An experiment in language design, employing a dynamically exstensible LALR(1) parser.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rune is a system programming langauge under development. It is intended to be:

  • faster than C
  • simple like Python
  • relational lik SQL
  • safe like Java
  • highly extensible

In short:

Rune = Python + Dynamic extensions + DataDraw

Rune is expected to outperform C on most memory-intensive tasks. Rune will use a structure-of-arrays memory layout, rather than array-of-structures. This often increases speed considerably. For example, a 600K line C commercial place-and-route toolkit for ASICs sped up 60% when switching to structure of arrays memory layout using the DataDraw code generator. For more insight into the data structures in Rune, have a look at the DataDraw, which is also being used to write the rune compiler.

The "core syntax" of Rune will look lot a like Lisp. See core/README.md for more information about the core syntax. As an example, we can define a factorial function like this:

(func uint fact(uint n) (
    (if (== n 1) (
        (return 1)))
    (return (* n (fact (- n 1))))))

This Lisp-like syntax is not what you will use to write programs. That's because Rune has a built-in LALR(1) parser which is used to translate much nicer looking code into its core Lisp-like syntax. For example, you would normally write the factorial function above like this:

func fact(n) {
    if n == 1 {
        return 1
    return n*fact(n-1)

The built-in LALR(1) parser can be used to extend the syntax of Rune in almost any way you like. For example, the print statement will be defined with the LALR(1) parser rather than built into the compiler itself. Similarly, syntax for complex number support will be contained in a library.

Rune is intended to be safer than system programming languages such as C and C++. Buffer overflows are either checked at runtime or optimizedout at compile time, and there are never dangling pointers or uninitialized variables.

The best part of Rune may be its data modeling. There is no need for garbage collection. Objects that live on the stack are destroyed when they go out of scope, unless they are added to the object tree. The object tree is a tree that contains all objects on the heap. Objects are destroyed when they are removed from their owning collection. The tree is built from a rich set of object collections, such as lists, arrays, and hash maps.

Collections in Rune are more powerful than collections in other languages. The compiler builds a graph of all relationships between objects, which enables it to safely remove objects from all collections when it is destroyed, making dangling pointers impossible.

Rune will be strongly typed. When you do not specify types of function parameters, they are infered from the caller. Consider this min function:

func min(a, b) {
    if a <= b {
        return a
    return b

When we call it with different parameter types, a new function is automatically instantiated. The following calls are to two different compiled functions optimized for their parameter types:

min("alice", "bob")
min(3.4, 9.9)

Most of the Rune compiler will be written in Rune as libraries, rather than hard-coded in C. The process of adding an extension to Rune is:

  • Create any required syntax extensions
  • Write a function in Rune code without the extension that takes a list conforming to the extended syntax as input, and transforms it into a list that conforms to the lower level syntax.
  • Assign the function to a specific compilation pass. The idea is to process as many extensions as possible per pass.

Extensions are executed sequentially, resulting in a Core compliant list, which is then translated to C.


An experiment in language design, employing a dynamically exstensible LALR(1) parser.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C 89.1%Language:Yacc 4.4%Language:Lex 3.4%Language:Makefile 1.9%Language:C++ 1.1%Language:Ruby 0.1%