waynecheah / docs


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Technical Documentation
version 1.0
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Get Started 💡
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Config 🛠
title details link
Raspberry Pi K3s Setup
Build the self-hosting platform with Raspberry Pi and Kubernetes
title details link
Kubernetes Setup
This is all about the Kubernetes related tooling setup guides
MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2021 Wayne Cheah

🛠 Install

Create a vuepress-theme-hope project in docs folder under the current project:

```bash npm init vuepress-theme-hope docs ``` ```bash yarn create vuepress-theme-hope docs ```

🚀 Usage

// .vuepress/config.js
const { config } = require("vuepress-theme-hope");

module.exports = config({
  // your config here

::: tip config is just a helper function, it will give you config description and provide auto-completion through TS’s Interface and JSDoc.

At the same time, the config function will also complete some default configurations for your current configuration which will pass directly to VuePress.

Don’t worry it will change your config! It will respect every config you make to make sure your other plugins work well.

You can view Config of this site as an example. :::

