waymobetta / sygma-sdk

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Sygma SDK


Sygma SDK is an OpenSource (under GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0) SDK for developers to work with Sygma. The SDK consist of methods that enable bridging capabilities between Ethereum networks.

NOTE the SDK is under an active development so can be broken occasionally.

The current SDK has one package that comprises the whole bridging logic for transferring ERC20 tokens between Ethereum networks. Alongside this there are two folder examples that demonstrate the usage of our SDK. If you want to run the examples alongside our bridging infrastructure, please make sure you have Sygma in order for you to run make local-setup command.

Usefull commands.

After cloning the repo, simply run

npx lerna bootstrap

Running the Examples

For React example, after you have run and deploy the contracts using Sygma, go to the examples folder and simply run

yarn start

For NodeJS example, simply run:

yarn run:local-ex

How to Use


In order for you to use our SDK Sygma must be installed on your local machine. The main dependency to run Sygma is to have go installed in your machine. After that, follow the instructions to run the local example. It will take a couple of minutes for all the setup to be completed. If you want to check the logs of the deployed contracts you can do the following:

# inside the root directory of Sygma project
cd example
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml logs setup

You should see something like this:

setup       | ===============================================
setup       | πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Sygma Successfully Deployed πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
setup       |
setup       | - Chain 1 -
setup       | Bridge: 0xd606A00c1A39dA53EA7Bb3Ab570BBE40b156EB66
setup       | Fee Handler: 0x08CFcF164dc2C4AB1E0966F236E87F913DE77b69 (is basic fee handler: true, fee amount: 100000000000 wei)
setup       | ERC20: 0xb83065680e6AEc805774d8545516dF4e936F0dC0
setup       | ERC20 Handler: 0x3cA3808176Ad060Ad80c4e08F30d85973Ef1d99e
setup       | ERC721: 0x05C5AFACf64A6082D4933752FfB447AED63581b1
setup       | ERC721 Handler: 0x75dF75bcdCa8eA2360c562b4aaDBAF3dfAf5b19b
setup       | Generic Handler: 0xe1588E2c6a002AE93AeD325A910Ed30961874109
setup       | Asset Store: 0x7573B1c6de00a73e98CDac5Cd2c4a252BdC87600
setup       | ERC20 resourceId:
setup       | ERC721 resourceId:
setup       | Generic resourceId:
setup       |
setup       | - Chain 2 -
setup       | Bridge: 0xd606A00c1A39dA53EA7Bb3Ab570BBE40b156EB66
setup       | Fee Handler: 0x08CFcF164dc2C4AB1E0966F236E87F913DE77b69 (is basic fee handler: true, fee amount: 100000000000 wei)
setup       | ERC20: 0xb83065680e6AEc805774d8545516dF4e936F0dC0
setup       | ERC20 Handler: 0x3cA3808176Ad060Ad80c4e08F30d85973Ef1d99e
setup       | ERC721: 0x05C5AFACf64A6082D4933752FfB447AED63581b1
setup       | ERC721 Handler: 0x75dF75bcdCa8eA2360c562b4aaDBAF3dfAf5b19b
setup       | Generic Handler: 0xe1588E2c6a002AE93AeD325A910Ed30961874109
setup       | Asset Store: 0x7573B1c6de00a73e98CDac5Cd2c4a252BdC87600
setup       | ERC20 resourceId:
setup       | ERC721 resourceId:
setup       | Generic resourceId:
setup       |
setup       | ===============================================

With this addresses you can use our SDK with the basic fee setup.

After that, you can watch the logs an see your funds being transfer from one of the networks to the other.

Checking the Examples folder

There is a folder with examples ready to be used for the SDK. Currently we have two working with our current local setup. If you decide that is not for you, here is a little guide to get you started with our SDK.

How to Use From NodeJS

Assuming you are going to use the local setup provider by Sygma, the setup that you need to pass to the Sygma class is going to have the following structure:

import { Sygma } from "@chainsafe/sygma-sdk-core";

const bridgeSetup: BridgeData = {
  chain1: {
      bridgeAddress: "0xd606A00c1A39dA53EA7Bb3Ab570BBE40b156EB66",
      erc20Address: "0xb83065680e6AEc805774d8545516dF4e936F0dC0",
      erc20HandlerAddress: "0x3cA3808176Ad060Ad80c4e08F30d85973Ef1d99e",
      feeHandlerAddress: "0x08CFcF164dc2C4AB1E0966F236E87F913DE77b69",
      rpcURL: "http://localhost:8545",
      domainId: "1",
      decimals: 18
    chain2: {
      bridgeAddress: "0xd606A00c1A39dA53EA7Bb3Ab570BBE40b156EB66",
      erc20Address: "0xb83065680e6AEc805774d8545516dF4e936F0dC0",
      erc20HandlerAddress: "0x3cA3808176Ad060Ad80c4e08F30d85973Ef1d99e",
      feeHandlerAddress: "0x08CFcF164dc2C4AB1E0966F236E87F913DE77b69",
      rpcURL: "http://localhost:8547",
      domainId: "2",
      decimals: 18

We are going to use the SDK with NodeJS so, you we are going to use one of the testing accounts from the local setup:

 const testAcc = "0xF4314cb9046bECe6AA54bb9533155434d0c76909";

Then we create a setup object to pass to the Sygma class:

const setup = { bridgeSetup }

const chainbridge = new Sygma(setup)

Now we are ready to initialize connection:

const bridgeEvents = sygma.initializeConnectionRPC(testAcc)

With this we can get the basic Fee rate to use in our first deposit:

const basicFeeRate = await sygma.fetchFeeData({
  amount: "1",
  recipientAddress: "0xF4314cb9046bECe6AA54bb9533155434d0c76909"

Once this is complete, we can approve the amount of tokens to transfer before we make the deposit:

const approvalTxReceipt = await (await sygma.approve({
  amountForApproval: "1",
  from: "chain1"

const deposit = await sygma.deposit({
  amount: "1",
  recipientAddress: "0xF4314cb9046bECe6AA54bb9533155434d0c76909"
  feeData: basicFee.feeData

const txReceipt = await deposit.wait(1)

How to Use in Browser

For usage in the browser with our local setup, provide the same bridge config that you use for the NodeJS context:

import { Sygma } from "@chainsafe/sygma-sdk-core";

type LocalData = {
  balance: BigNumber;
  address: string;
  gasPrice: BigNumber;
  balanceOfTokens: BigNumber;
  tokenName: string;

const bridgeSetup: BridgeData = {
  chain1: {
      bridgeAddress: "0xd606A00c1A39dA53EA7Bb3Ab570BBE40b156EB66",
      erc20Address: "0xb83065680e6AEc805774d8545516dF4e936F0dC0",
      erc20HandlerAddress: "0x3cA3808176Ad060Ad80c4e08F30d85973Ef1d99e",
      feeHandlerAddress: "0x08CFcF164dc2C4AB1E0966F236E87F913DE77b69",
      rpcURL: "http://localhost:8545",
      domainId: "1",
      decimals: 18
    chain2: {
      bridgeAddress: "0xd606A00c1A39dA53EA7Bb3Ab570BBE40b156EB66",
      erc20Address: "0xb83065680e6AEc805774d8545516dF4e936F0dC0",
      erc20HandlerAddress: "0x3cA3808176Ad060Ad80c4e08F30d85973Ef1d99e",
      feeHandlerAddress: "0x08CFcF164dc2C4AB1E0966F236E87F913DE77b69",
      rpcURL: "http://localhost:8547",
      domainId: "2",
      decimals: 18

Then, inside your App, create some state variables and functions to get account data from your wallet (in this example the wallet is Metamask)

function App(){
  const [bridge, setBridge] = useState<SetStateAction<any | undefined>>(undefined)

  const [logicConnected, setLogicConnected] = useState<SetStateAction<boolean>>(

  const [sygmaInstance, setSygmaInstance] = useState<
    SetStateAction<Sygma | undefined>

  const getAccountData = async (sygma: Sygma) => {
    try {
      const balance =
        (await sygma.getSignerBalance("chain1")) ?? BigNumber.from("0");
      const address = await sygma.getSignerAddress("chain1");
      const gasPrice = await sygma.getSignerGasPrice("chain1");
      const { balanceOfTokens, tokenName } = await sygma.getTokenInfo(

        balance: balance!,
        address: address!,
        gasPrice: gasPrice!,
        balanceOfTokens: balanceOfTokens!,
        tokenName: tokenName!,
    } catch (e) {
      console.log("Perhaps you forget to deploy the bridge?")

  useEffect(() => {
    if (data !== undefined && sygmaInstance !== undefined) {
      getAccountData(sygmaInstance! as Sygma);
      setBridge((sygmaInstance! as Sygma).bridges!['chain2'])
  }, [data, logicConnected]);

  useEffect(() => {
    console.log(metaIsConnected, data);
    if (metaIsConnected && sygmaInstance !== undefined) {
      getAccountData(sygmaInstance! as Sygma);
  }, [metaIsConnected]);


If you are using Metamask you can create a function to trigger the connection to the extension and at the same time instantiate Sygma SDK:

// in the App component, below the last useEffect

const handleConnect = () => {
    if (!metaIsConnected) {
      return window.ethereum
        .request({ method: "eth_requestAccounts" })
        .then((r: any) => {
          const [addr] = r;
            ...(accountData as LocalData),
            address: addr,
        .catch((error: any) => {
          if (error.code === 4001) {
            // EIP-1193 userRejectedRequest error
            console.log("Please connect to MetaMask.");
          } else {
    } else if (metaIsConnected) {
      const setup = { bridgeSetup };
      const sygma = new Sygma(setup);


      const data = sygma.initializeConnectionFromWeb3Provider(window.ethereum);


To listen to deposit events on the home network:

// initialization of Sygma class
// ...
  destinationDomainId: any,
  resourceId: any,
  depositNonce: any,
  user: any,
  data: any,
  handleResponse: any,
  tx: any
) => {
    `bride deposit event deposit nonce: ${depositNonce.toString()} to contract with ResourceId: ${resourceId}`
  console.log(` transaction hash: ${tx.transactionHash}`);
  console.info("Deposit in transit!");

To remove deposit events listener:

// initialization of Sygma class
// sygmaInstance.createHomeChainDepositEventListener(...)
// ...

To listen for execution events on the destination network:

// initialization of Sygma class
// ...
  originDomainId: any,
  despositNonce: any,
  dataHash: any,
  tx: any
) => {
  console.warn("Proposal execution event!")
  console.log({originDomainId, despositNonce, dataHash, tx} )
  console.warn("Transfer complete!")

To remove remove execution events listener:

// initialization of Sygma class
// sygmaInstance.createHomeChainDepositEventListener(...)
// ...

With this you can use our SDK and create the render logic to show your tokens and your networks of the bridge. For a more in depth review, check out the react-example.




GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 90.5%Language:JavaScript 8.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.8%Language:Solidity 0.6%