WatsonWoo / Anti-Hackintosh-Buyers-Guide

Host for files for the Anti-Hackintosh Buyers Guide

Home Page:https://khronokernel-5.gitbook.io/anti-hackintosh-buyers-guide/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is an information thread, for discussion please see the Reddit version of this post here: Anti-Hackintosh Buyers Guide


An introduction

So what is the Anti-Hackintosh Buyers Guide and why should you care about this post? Well, this is a guide of what not to buy when building a Hackintosh and will be kept up-to-date as new hardware comes out. While this guide won't give exact recommendations, it'll try and point you in the right direction.


Host for files for the Anti-Hackintosh Buyers Guide
