wastrachan / sqlpad-chart

Helm chart to install SQLPad in a kubernetes cluster.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SQLPad Helm Chart

Helm Chart to install SQLPad in a kubernetes cluster.


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • Helm 3+

Chart Installation

To install the chart with the release name sqlpad:

$ git clone https://github.com/wastrachan/sqlpad-chart.git
$ helm install sqlpad sqlpad-chart


Configuration of SQLPad is handled via the environment. This chart contains base configuration (defined in the environmentBase parameter), but you will want to override the configuration with your installation.

Use the environmentOverride parameter to provide additional environment variables, which will override those in environmentBase.

For a full list of configuration options, review the SQLPad documentation.

Minimum Configuration Example

⚠️ At a minimum, you should set the default admin password ⚠️

  SQLPAD_ADMIN: "admin"
  SQLPAD_PASSPHRASE: "2719e693fcd80e8c220ebc5f721b665e"

    password: ae880f3c4541a4aad456eeec2dc3f15e
    rootPassword: 4d3336a14b1031c9d1eefa3d7e4203d6



Parameter Description Value
replicaCount Number of SQLPad server instances 1
image.repository SQLPad image repository sqlpad/sqlpad
image.pullPolicy SQLPad image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.tag SQLPad image tag (defaults to Chart.appVersion) ""
imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array []
nameOverride String to partially override common.names.fullname template (will maintain the release name) ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override common.names.fullname template ""
serviceAccount.create Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount false
serviceAccount.name Name for the created ServiceAccount ""
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for the created ServiceAccount {}
environmentBase Base environment variables provided to SQLPad pods See values.yaml
environmentOverride Environment variables used to override those defined in environmentBase for SQLPad pods {}
runMigration Run SQLPad database migration after chart upgrade true
podAnnotations Additional pod annotations for SQLPad pods {}
podSecurityContext Pod security context for SQLPad pods {}
securityContext Security context for SQLPad pods {}
service.type SQLPad service type ClusterIP
service.port SQLPad service port 3000
resources.limits Resource requests for SQLPad pods {}
resources.requests Resource limits for SQLPad pods {}
nodeSelector Node labels for SQLPad pods assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for SQLPad pods assignment []
affinity Affinity for SQLPad pods assignment {}


Parameter Description Value
mariadb.enabled Enable the installation of MariaDB. If enabled, this database will be used by SQLPad true
mariadb.architecture MariaDB architecture (standalone or replication) standalone
mariadb.auth.database sqlpad
mariadb.auth.username sqlpad
mariadb.auth.password ae880f3c4541a4aad456eeec2dc3f15e
mariadb.auth.rootPassword 4d3336a14b1031c9d1eefa3d7e4203d6


All files contained within this Helm Chart and the git Repository which contains it are licensed under the MIT license.

View license information for the software provided by this chart.


Helm chart to install SQLPad in a kubernetes cluster.

License:MIT License


Language:Smarty 100.0%