wastrachan / metarmap

WS2811-Based Live METAR Map

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


There are several "METAR Map" projects out there, and there will probably be more popping up each year. As an avid aviator, it was only a matter of time before I needed one hanging above my own desk.

This project takes inspiration from everybody before me who has shared their work and builds-- but as a developer, I was never going to be happy unless I went through the exercise of writing the software myself. This project has only ever been tested in my own build and carries no warranty, express or implied. I share it in the hope that it too will inspire the next generation of METAR maps.

Bill of Materials

For this specific build, I used:


The physical setup/wiring progress is not covered in depth by this README. It is possible I'll take photos and document the process if I build another map in the future.

Connect the LEDs to a GPIO pin, 5V source, and ground pin. Do the math on your LEDs' current requirements, and do not power the LEDs from your Pi if the amperage exceeds safe limits.

On the Pi Zero W in my project:


Pin Function
2 + 5 VDC
6 Ground
18 DIN

ePaper Display

Pin Function
19 DIN
23 CLK
24 CS
22 DC
11 RST


Install Raspberry Pi OS

Abbreviated headless installation instructions have been included for reference. Words in all caps surrounded by brackets (<ALL_CAPS>) should be replaced. You can do this on your own or with the Raspberry Pi imager, if you wish. Just make sure that however you install that SPI is enabled, as it is required by this project.

# 1. Download Raspberry Pi OS Lite (https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/operating-systems/)
$ curl -O https://downloads.raspberrypi.com/raspios_lite_armhf/images/raspios_lite_armhf-2023-12-11/2023-12-11-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite.img.xz

# 2. Extract the downloaded image, copy to SD card (assuming SD card is /dev/sda)
$ xz -d 2023-12-11-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite.img.xz
$ sudo dd if=2023-12-11-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite.img of=/dev/sda bs=8M oflag=sync status=progress

# 3. Mount the boot partition of the SD card (Referenced as <MOUNT_LOCATION> below)

# 4. Create a new user, enable SSH
$ cd <MOUNT_LOCATION>/bootfs
$ echo "<MY_USERNAME>:$(echo '<MY_PASSWORD>' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin)" > userconf.txt
$ touch ssh

# 5. Enable SPI
sed -i '/dtparam=spi/s/^#//g' config.txt

# 4. Configure Wifi
$ cd <MOUNT LOCATION>/rootfs
$ sudo tee etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/WiFi.nmconnection <<EOF





$ sudo chown root:root etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/WiFi.nmconnection
$ sudo chmod 0600 etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/WiFi.nmconnection

# 5. Unmount the SD card. Install it in the Pi, and boot

Install BCM2835 Libraries

$ curl -O http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/bcm2835-1.73.tar.gz
$ tar -axf bcm2835-1.1.73.tar.gz
$ cd bcm2835-1.1.73/
$ sudo ./configure
$ sudo make
$ sudo make check
$ sudo make install

Install Dependencies:

$ sudo apt install \
    git \
    python3-dev \
    pipx \
    libopenjp2-7 \
    libopenjp2-7-dev \
    libxslt1-dev \

Install Package:

$ git clone https://github.com/wastrachan/metarmap.git
$ cd metarmap
$ sudo pipx install .
$ sudo -i pipx ensurepath

Why Sudo? Accessing the GPIO pins with the rpi-ws281x library requires access to /dev/mem, which can't be accessed by a non-root user. That means that running (and installing metarmap) must be done with sudo.

Run Automatically

A systemd unit file and timer have been provided to automate the update process. They should be manually copied into place if you wish to use them. If not, you'll need to rely on CRON or your own unit files to handle automation.

$ cd metarmap
$ sudo cp systemd/metarmap.service /etc/systemd/system/
$ sudo cp systemd/metarmap.timer /etc/systemd/system/
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable metarmap.service
$ sudo systemctl enable metarmap.timer
$ sudo systemctl start metarmap.timer
$ sudo systemctl list-timers
NEXT                         LEFT          LAST                         PASSED       UNIT                         ACTIVATES
Fri 2021-08-20 19:00:00 BST  1min 22s left n/a                          n/a          metarmap.timer               metarmap.service


The first time you run metarmap (sudo -i metarmap --help would be a good place to start), a configuration file is created for you at /root/.config/metarmap/config.

This INI-style configuration is divided into sections, and will have some defaults pre-filled for you:

debug = off

led_count = 10
led_freq_hz = 800000
led_dma = 10
led_brightness = 255
led_invert = false
led_channel = 0
led_pin = 18
led_rgb_order = rgb

0 = KATL

airport = KATL

All of the available configuration option are documented below.

LED Setup

  1. Run metarmap --help to verify installation and generate a config file
  2. Update the LED section with the appropriate values for your WS2811 LED strip. Expect to change led_count and led_pin. The rest of the settings can typically be left alone.
  3. Run metarmap pulse 0 to light up the pixel at address 0.
  4. Continue using the pulse command as necessary to test and map out each LED in your LED strip.

Airport Setup

Airports are added to the AIRPORTS section of the config file, in the format [PIXEL ID] = [AIRPORT ID].

  1. Use the metarmap pulse command to determine the ID of the pixel for a given airport.
  2. Add the airport to your configuration file with the pixel ID determined in step 1.
  3. Repeat this process until all airports have been configured
  4. Test your map with metarmap update.

An example configuration with four airports:

0 = KATL
1 = KRYY
2 = KPDK
3 = KFTY

E-Ink Display

The e-ink display will present the METAR observation at one static airport. This is configured via the airport setting in the SCREEN section:

airport = KATL

Configuration Options

Many of the configuration options can be left alone. Expect to change led_count and led_pin, as well as AIRPORTS.

Section Option Default Description
MAIN debug off Enable debug mode. When debug mode is on, additional output is generated and LED actions are simulated only.
MAIN dim_time_start If provided, the LED brightness will be set to dim_time_led_brightness during the hours between this value and dim_time_end. dim_time_start, dim_time_end, and dim_time_led_brightness all must be set for this feature to take effect. The time provided should be expressed in hours local time (e.x. 23:00).
MAIN dim_time_end If provided, the LED brightness will be set to dim_time_led_brightness during the hours between dim_time_start and this value. dim_time_start, dim_time_end, and dim_time_led_brightness all must be set for this feature to take effect. The time provided should be expressed in hours local time (e.x. 07:00).
MAIN dim_time_led_brightness 20 If dim_time_start and dim_time_end are set, the LED brightness will be set to this value between dim_time_start and dim_time_end. dim_time_start, dim_time_end, and dim_time_led_brightness all must be set for this feature to take effect. If this is set to 0, the lights will be disabled during the dim time period.
LED led_count 10 Total number of LED's in your WS2811 LED strip
LED led_freq_hz 800000 Pulse wavelength frequency for WS2811 LED's. The default (800KHz) should be appropriate in most cases.
LED led_dma 10 DMA channel for signal generation. The default should be appropriate in most cases.
LED led_brightness 255 LED brightness, on a scale of 0 (off) to 255 (maximum).
LED led_invert false Invert the LED signal (when using NPN transistor level shift)
LED led_channel 0 LED output channel (0-2).
LED led_pin 18 Raspberry Pi GPIO Pin for LED control.
LED led_rgb_order rgb Typically color is specific as RGB, but some strips expect GRB. Change this if RGB channels appear swapped.
SCREEN airport If provided, this airport will be highlighted on the e-Paper display. Remove to disable.


Usage: metarmap [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  clear   Turn all LED pixels off
  print   Display the most recent METAR for [STATION]
  pulse   Illuminate neopixel at address [PIXEL] for 3 seconds
  update  Update current METAR observation for all airports


The content of this project itself is licensed under the MIT License.

All dependencies used by this project are copyright their respective authors.


WS2811-Based Live METAR Map

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%