This is a simple lightweight JS Time Ago module, that supports different languges and you can contribute to add yours.
if you want to use it on the browser, you must include the nta.min.js
file into you html file
else if you are using server side rendering or any js framework, just npm install it and import it as you import any other package
ar: arabic, en: english, de: german, vn: vietnamese
please note that the default language is arabic, if you dont specifiy it in the second argument it will display in arabic language
// ago format, this is the default format
timeAgo('2020-01-16 19:48:45', 'en'); // will return: 3mo ago
// full format
timeAgo('2020-01-01 19:48:45', 'en', 'full'); // will return: 1 January
after installing nta
const timeAgo = require('nta');
timeAgo(new Date, 'en', 'ago')
timeAgo function accepts 3 parameter wich are the date, language, format
the language is not required, arabic is set by default
the format is not required too, "ago" is set by default
app.locals.timeAgo = timeAgo
Thats is it, nta is now accessible to all of your views you can use it as specified above.
Dont Forget to contribute by adding your language or any other feature you like