wasp76b / linux_tips

tips for ongoing and routine tasks using linux

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tips for ongoing and routine tasks using linux

change keybord to BR language
#setxkbmap -model abnt2 -layout br -variant abnt2

change bash
#vim /root/.bashrc
#source /root/.bashrc

change zsh
vim /root/.zshrc
#source /root/.zshrc

adding path golang in bash/zsh
#export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

find all files containing specific text on Linux
#grep -Ril "text-to-find-here" /Path
i >> stands for ignore case (optional in your case).
R >> stands for recursive.
l >> stands for "show the file name, not the result itself".
/ >> stands for starting at the root of your machine.


tips for ongoing and routine tasks using linux