warren2i / PsGen

Powershell script generation from the browser. The scope of this tool is to enable novice users to generate complex powershell scripting without prior knowledge.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Powershell script generation from the browser.

The scope of this tool is to enable novice users to generate complex powershell scripting without prior knowledge.

alt text

Install guide.

git clone https://github.com/warren2i/PsGen

cd PsGen

pip -r requirements.txt

To run -->

flask run

visit in browser


Click the dropdown box to select a command

Click 'Generate command'

The command will be added below.

Enter values into fields & select required arguments.

Repeat this line by line until you have built your script.

Click Generate to create your Pshell script.

alt text

Click 'Select PowerShell Script'

Select the script you just made

alt text

alt text


Permanent removal of windows defender, this is not reversible .


TODO ------>

When powershell command is retreived from database all rich text formatting is lost, this prevents the script from running when copied directly. options.... Hard code formatting prior to database submit, but this will require secondary output to file or the strip the formatting tags for exportable versions of the scripts.

add tool tips to each field

copy to clipboard line by line option

Port across powershell commands

add PowerRemoteDesktop by DarkCoderSc, amazing work btw!

Dev notes ------>

How to Invoke encoded shell

$var = 'encoded payload' $var2 = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($var)) Invoke-Expression $var2

from wtforms.fields.html5 ##Seems to be depreciated... use this now. from wtforms.fields import TimeField

Encoding switch case

def encode(line, val2encode):
    if line['encoding'] is not True:
        #dont encode
        return (val2encode)
        return (runenccommand(encodecommand(val2encode)))

if line['command_name'] == 'Createnewuser':
    result = encode(line,Createnewuser(line['userName'], line['password']))
    line['psline'] = result


Powershell script generation from the browser. The scope of this tool is to enable novice users to generate complex powershell scripting without prior knowledge.


Language:Python 91.9%Language:JavaScript 4.7%Language:CSS 2.7%Language:PowerShell 0.5%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:Batchfile 0.0%