warptrail / us-geography-backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Setup Express API from scratch:

npm install express cors morgan npm install -D nodemon

Update scripts in package.json -->

"start": "node index.js", "dev": "nodemon app"

Git initialization

git init touch .gitignore echo "node_modules" > .gitignore

env variables

touch .env --> Make new hidden env file echo ".env" >> .gitignore --> add the .env file to the .gitignore list

  • store the API token in your env file: API_TOKEN=put-your-token-here

  • install dotenv npm install dotenv


npm install mocha chai supertest -D

  • Modify package.json env to include mocha and chai for eslint and include the test script


npm install winston

  • For logging purposes


  • Need to generate a unique id when making post requests

    npm install uuid

Access local server at:



GET '/' --> Greeting message

GET '/states' --> list of all 50 state objects with all data

  • Accepted queries: "search" - "sort"
  • Search will narrow the states down to the matching strings
  • Sort must be either "name" or "founded". Will return the states in alphabetical order or chronological order respectively.

GET '/state-names' --> get a list of states with only name and founded information

GET '/state/:stateName' --> get a specific state object with all information

GET /flowers --> get a list of all the flower objects in the data file

GET /flower/:flowerName --> get a specific flower

GET '/download' --> endpoint to download my contact vcf file



Language:JavaScript 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%