wanjj8023 / f8DeveloperConferenceApp

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f8 app

This is the entire source code of the official f8 apps, available on the App Store as well as on Google Play.

Read more about these apps on our blog: f8 Apps, Now Open-Sourced

Initial Setup

First, you need to clone the repository.

Next, you'll need to create a new Parse app. For simplicity, we've included a JSON export of the f8 app which you can use for an initial import of data into your own app.

You'll also need to create a Facebook app and configure it for the platforms you wish to test on.

Parse App Setup

  1. Go to your Parse Dashboard and create a new Parse app.

  2. Copy your new Parse application id and client key. You will need these later. Remember that you can always get your keys from your app's Settings page.

  3. Locate the data folder in your local clone of the repo. Here you will find GeneralInfo.json, Message.json, Room.json, Slot.json, Speaker.json, and Talk.json . These can be imported into your brand new Parse app.

  4. Go to your app's Data Browser, and click on the "Import" button. Choose GeneralInfo.json and give your new class the name "GeneralInfo". Repeat this for each of the json files in the data folder, giving them the appropriate class name.

  5. When the data is imported, images files are not brought over. We've provided images for the Room icons that you can use. To add these:

    1. Locate the assets folder in your local repo.
    2. Go to Room class in your Data Browser.
    3. Delete the gameslounge.png entry in the icon field.
    4. Upload the gameslounge.png file from the assets folder.
    5. Repeat these steps for all other images you find in the assets folder.
  6. We've also provided images for the Talk class icon fields that are set. Replace these images in the Talk class with the corresponding ones in the assets folder: afterparty.png, registration.png, and lunch.png.

Other images, such as speaker images will show up as blank. You can upload your own images to make them visible.

Facebook App Setup

  1. Go to the Facebook App Dashboard and create a new Facebook app.

  2. Configure your Facebook app:

    • iOS Setup. During this step, you may initially set the Bundle Identifier to "com.parse.f8". If you later change the bundle identifier in your Xcode project, be sure to return to the app dashboard and modify this setting.
    • Android Setup. During this step, you may initially set Package Name to "com.parse.f8" and Clas Name to "com.parse.f8.DispatchActivity". If you later change the Android package name in the code, be sure to return to the app dashboard and modify these settings.
  3. Add your Facebook app id and app secret to your Parse app's Settings > User authentication > Facebook properties.

  4. Note your Facebook App ID and Display Name. You will need these later.

Next, go through the setup instructions for iOS and/or Android.

iOS Setup

First, make sure you've gone through the "Initial Setup" instructions.

Then, to install the f8 app on iOS you need to configure the project with your app keys:

  1. Open ios/F8 Developer Conference.xcodeproj in Xcode.
  2. Modify PDDAppDelegate.m to use your Parse application id and client key.
  3. Modify F8 Developer Conference-Info.plist to configure your Facebook settings:
    • Set your Facebook app id in the FacebookAppID property.
    • Set your Facebook app id in the URL types > Item 0 > URL Schemes > Item 0 using the format fbYour_App_id (ex. for 12345, enter fb12345).
    • Set the Bundle identifier property to match your Facebook app dashboard's Bundle ID setting.
    • Set the FacebookDisplayName property to match your Facebook app dashboard's Display Name setting.
  4. Build and Run.

Once you've confirmed that everything is working correctly, you may modify the general conference info and the list of Talks, Speakers, and Rooms to suit your conference.

Android Setup

First, make sure you've gone through the "Initial Setup" instructions.

Then to install the f8 app on Android, you need to import the f8 project and supporting library projects. You'll then configure the f8 project with your app keys. You also need to obtain a YouTube API key from Google if you wish to see video playback in action:

you need to configure the project with your app keys. The app depends on Android's v7 appcompat Support Library so you'll need to set that up. You also need to obtain a YouTube API key from Google if you wish to see video playback in action:

  1. Import the android f8 project in your IDE of choice, such as Eclipse.
  2. Import the appcompat Android Support library project from the local repo.
  3. Import the facebook-android-sdk Facebook SDK library project from the local repo.
  4. Follow the instructions on Google's developer site to register your application and obtain a YouTube developer key. Set up an API key for Android.
  5. Modify the f8 project's strings.xml file to use your Parse application id, Parse client key, Facebook app id, and YouTube developer key.
  6. Build and Run.

Further Customizations

Once you've confirmed that everything is working correctly, you may modify the general conference info, the list of Talks, Speakers, and Rooms to suit your conference.
