wanjinchang / deep_headpose_tf

head pose estimation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a TensorFlow implementation of Fine-Grained Head Pose Estimation Without Keypoints .


  1. You need a CUDA-compatible GPU to train the model.
  2. You should first download 300W-LP for head pose estimation.


  • TensorFlow 1.4.1
  • TF-Slim
  • Python3.6
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Cuda 8.0


  1. Setup_data
  2. Training
  3. Demo
  4. Models


Use the script python utils/data_preprocess.py to generate your own annotation file and face images from 300W-LP dataset. One row for one image;
Row format: image_file_path pitch raw roll;
Here is an example:


Or you can use my annotation files 300W_LP_headpose_anno.txt under the folder data/ directly.


  • Download pre-trained models and weights of backbones.The current code supports VGG16/ResNet_V1/MobileNet_Series models.

  • Pre-trained models are provided by slim, you can get the pre-trained models from Google Driver or BaiduYun Driver. Uzip and place them in the folder data/imagenet_weights. For example, for VGG16 model, you also can set up like:

    mkdir -p data/imagenet_weights
    cd data/imagenet_weights
    wget -v http://download.tensorflow.org/models/vgg_16_2016_08_28.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf vgg_16_2016_08_28.tar.gz
    mv vgg_16.ckpt vgg16.ckpt
    cd ../..

    For ResNet101, you can set up like:

    mkdir -p data/imagenet_weights
    cd data/imagenet_weights
    wget -v http://download.tensorflow.org/models/resnet_v1_101_2016_08_28.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf resnet_v1_101_2016_08_28.tar.gz
    mv resnet_v1_101.ckpt res101.ckpt
    cd ../..
  • Train Run python trainval_net.py to train the model.

python trainval_net.py \
    --cfg experiment/cfg/mobile.yml \
    --weight data/imagenet_weights/mobile.ckpt \
    --gpu_id 0 \
    --data_dir /home/oeasy/Downloads/dataset/head_pose/300W_LP_headpose \
    --annotation_path /home/oeasy/PycharmProjects/deep-head-pose-tf/300W_LP_headpose_anno.txt \
    --net mobile

Please see details in the script trainval_net.py. By default, trained networks are saved under:


Test outputs are saved under:


Tensorboard information for train and validation is saved under:

  • For ckpt demo Download trained models from Models, then uzip to the folder output/, modify your path of trained model run python tools/demo.py directly.

  • For frozen graph inference Download the pb models(contained in Models) or frozen your model by yourself using script tools/convert_ckpt_to_pb.py, modify your path of trained model, then run python tools/inference.py.


Under updating...


head pose estimation


Language:Python 100.0%