wanji / LIBSOL

A Library for Scalable Online Learning

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========================================================== LIBSOL - A Library for Scalable Online Learning Algorithms


LIBSOL is an open-source library for scalable online learning with high-dimensional data. The library provides a family of regular and sparse online learning algorithms for large-scale binary and multi-class classification tasks with high efficiency, scalability, portability, and extensibility. We provide easy-to-use command-line tools, python wrappers and library calls for users and developers, and comprehensive documents for both beginners and advanced users. LIBSOL is not only a machine learning toolbox, but also a comprehensive experimental platform for online learning research. Experiments demonstrate that LIBSOL is highly efficient and scalable for large-scale learning with high-dimensional data.

Specifically, LIBSOL consists of a family of:

  • First-order Online Learning algorithms:

    • Perceptron: The Perceptron Algorithm(Rosenblatt, 1958)
    • OGD: Online Gradient Descent(Zinkevich, 2003)
    • PA: Online Passive Aggressive Algorithms(Crammer et al., 2006)
    • ALMA: Approximate Large Margin Algorithm(Gentile, 2002)
    • RDA: Regularized Dual Averaging(Xiao, 2010)
  • Second-order Online Learning algorithms:

    • SOP: Second-Order Perceptron(Cesa-Bianchi et al., 2005)
    • CW: Confidence Weighted Learning(Dredze et al., 2008)
    • ECCW: Exactly Convex Confidence Weighted Learning(Crammer et al., 2008)
    • AROW: Adaptive Regularized Online Learning(Crammer et al., 2009)
    • Ada-FOBOS: Adaptive Regularized Online Learning(Crammer et al., 2009)
    • Ada-RDA: Adaptive Regularized Dual Averaging(Crammer et al., 2009)
  • First-order Sparse Online Learning algorithms:

    • STG: sparse online learning via truncated graidient (Langford et al., 2009);
    • FOBOS-L1: l1 Regularized Forward backward splitting (Duchi et al., 2009);
    • RDA-L1: Mixed l1/l2^2 Regularized Dual averaging(Xiao, 2010);
    • ERDA-L1: Enhanced l1/l2^2 Regularized Dual averaging(Xiao, 2010);
  • Second-order Sparse Online Learning algorithms:

    • Ada-FOBOS-L1: Ada-FOBOS with l1 regularization
    • Ada-RDA-L1: Ada-RDA with l1 regularization

This document briefly explains the usage of LIBSOL. A more detailed manual for users and developers can be found in the documentation of LIBSOL.

To get started, please read the ``Quick Start'' section first.

Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Quick Start
  • Additional Information


LIBSOL features a very simple installation procedure. The project is managed by Cmake. There exists a CMakeLists.txt in the root directory.


  • CMake 2.8.12 or higher
  • Git
  • C++11 Compiler:
    • g++(>4.8.2) or clang++(>3.3) on Unix/Linux/MinGW/Cygwin
    • Visual Studio 2013 or higher on Windows
  • Python2.7 (required if you want to use the python wrappers)

##Getting the code

The latest version of LIBSOL is always available via 'github' by invoking one of the following:

## For the traditional ssh-based Git interaction:
$ git clone git://github.com/LIBOL/LIBSOL.git

## For HTTP-based Git interaction
$ git clone https://github.com/LIBOL/LIBSOL.git


  1. Make a folder to store project files:

     $ cd LIBSOL && mkdir build && cd build
  2. Generate and build the project files

    • For Unix/Linux/MacOS users

        $ cmake ..
        $ make -j
        $ make install
    • For users with Xcode

        $ cmake -G"Xcode" ..
    • For windows users

        $ cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..

      Open the project LIBSOL.sln, Rebuild the ALL_BUILD project and then build the INSTALL project

  3. The generated package will be copied to $LIBSOL/dist

  4. Install python wrapper. [optional]

     $ cd python && pip install -r requirements.txt

    Known Issues of Python Wrappers:

    • The wrappers are tested on Windows with Anaconda python distribution.

    • On MacOS, the default python is not a framework build. Seems matplotlib does not work properly. See here for more details. We recommend the Anaconda python distribution.

    • On MacOS, if you met the 'Value Error: unknown locale: UTF-8' error, fix by:

        $ export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
        $ export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Note: Both 32-bit and 64-bit programs are ok to build and run. But if users want to use the python wrapper, it's required that the architectures of python and LIBSOL are the same, i.e., 64-bit python can only use 64-bit LIBSOL, 32-bit python can only use 32-bit LIBSOL.

Quick Start

Running LIBSOL without any arguments or with '--help' will produce a message which briefly explains the arguments.

We provide an example to show how to use LIBSOL and explain the details of how LIBSOL works. The dataset we use will be a1a provided in the data folder.

The command for training wit default algorithm is as the following shows.

$ libsol_train data/a1a
training accuracy: 0.8125
training time: 0.000 seconds
model sparsity: 15.1260%

Users can use the python wrapper to do the same thing. But make sure that the software is compiled with the same architecure of python (32-bit or 64-bit).

$ python python/libsol_train.py data/a1a

The learned model can be saved to a file (a1a.model for example) by:

$ #using executable
$ libsol_train data/a1a a1a.model
$ #using python
$ python python/libsol_train.py data/a1a a1a.model

By default, LIBSOL use OGD to learn a model. If users want to try another algorithm (AROW for example) and save to another file (arow.model):

$ #using executable
$ libsol_train -a arow data/a1a arow.model
$ #using python
$ python python/libsol_train.py -a arow data/a1a a1a.model

Each algorithm may have its own parameters. The following command changes the default value of parameter r to 2.0:

$ #using executable
$ libsol_train -a arow --params r=2.0 data/a1a arow.model
$ #using python
$ python python/libsol_train.py --params r=2.0 -a arow data/a1a arow.model

The python wrapper also provides the cross validation ability. For example, if users want to do a 5-fold GridSearch Cross Validation in the range [2^-5,2^-4,...,2^4, 2^5] for parameter r of AROW, the command will be:

$ python python/libsol_train.py -a arow --cv r=0.03125:2:32 -f 5 data/a1a arow.model
cross validation parameters: [('r', 2.0)]

In some cases we want to finetune from a pretrained model,

$ #using executable
$ libsol_train -m arow.model data/a1a arow2.model
$ #using python
$ python python/libsol_train.py -m arow.model data/a1a arow2.model

We can test with the learned model:

$ #using executable
$ libsol_test arow.model data/a1a.t predict.txt
$ #using python
$ python python/libsol_test.py arow.model data/a1a.t
test accuracy: 0.8437
test time: 0.016 seconds

Comparison of Online Learning Algorithms

The experiments folder contains some scripts for a comparison of online learning algorithms, as well as the comparison with another two toolboxes: VW and LIBLINEAR. To quikly get a comparison on the small dataset a1a as provided in the data folder:

$ cd experiments
$ python experiment.py --shufle 10 a1a ../data/a1a ../data/a1a.t

The script will conduct cross validation to select best parameters for each algorithm. Then the script will shuffle the training 10 times. For each shuffled data, the script will train and test for each algorithm. The final output is the average of all results. And a final table report will be shown as follows.

algorithm   train           train           test            test
            accuracy        time(s)         accuracy        time(s)
pa1         0.8011+/-0.0058 0.0029+/-0.0029 0.8193+/-0.0103 0.0152+/-0.0013
pa2         0.7913+/-0.0062 0.0018+/-0.0001 0.8013+/-0.0200 0.0146+/-0.0011
eccw        0.7950+/-0.0067 0.0018+/-0.0001 0.7985+/-0.0097 0.0155+/-0.0016
arow        0.8211+/-0.0061 0.0018+/-0.0001 0.8402+/-0.0009 0.0147+/-0.0009
pa          0.7759+/-0.0097 0.0018+/-0.0001 0.7758+/-0.0329 0.0151+/-0.0011
sop         0.7816+/-0.0073 0.0019+/-0.0001 0.7840+/-0.0189 0.0152+/-0.0007
ada-fobos   0.8055+/-0.0052 0.0019+/-0.0001 0.8234+/-0.0043 0.0149+/-0.0009
ada-rda     0.8114+/-0.0032 0.0019+/-0.0001 0.8347+/-0.0049 0.0147+/-0.0008
rda         0.7528+/-0.0008 0.0019+/-0.0002 0.7595+/-0.0000 0.0145+/-0.0009
erda        0.8049+/-0.0055 0.0019+/-0.0001 0.8326+/-0.0067 0.0146+/-0.0013
cw          0.7913+/-0.0065 0.0018+/-0.0001 0.7907+/-0.0113 0.0149+/-0.0010
vw          0.8443+/-0.0082 0.0571+/-0.0683 0.8326+/-0.0069 0.2582+/-0.0310
alma2       0.8087+/-0.0037 0.0017+/-0.0001 0.8263+/-0.0089 0.0153+/-0.0013
ogd         0.8108+/-0.0041 0.0019+/-0.0001 0.8363+/-0.0020 0.0150+/-0.0010
perceptron  0.7713+/-0.0054 0.0017+/-0.0001 0.7793+/-0.0187 0.0151+/-0.0009
liblinear   0.8536+/-0.0000 0.0356+/-0.0028 0.8425+/-0.0000 0.5620+/-0.0036

There will also be three pdf figures displaying the update number, training error rate, and test error rate over model sparsity.

Users can also compare on the multi-class dataset mnist with the follow command (Note that we only shuffle the training data once in this example, so the standard deviation is zero):

$ python experiment.py mnist ../data/mnist.scale ../data/mnist.scale.t

The output is:

algorithm   train           train           test            test
            accuracy        time(s)         accuracy        time(s)
pa1         0.9857+/-0.0003 1.4516+/-0.0254 0.9903+/-0.0040 0.2372+/-0.0025
pa2         0.9855+/-0.0003 1.4216+/-0.0182 0.9901+/-0.0038 0.2379+/-0.0038
eccw        0.8640+/-0.0817 1.4180+/-0.0194 0.8673+/-0.0856 0.2386+/-0.0052
arow        0.9906+/-0.0002 1.4110+/-0.0205 0.9945+/-0.0003 0.2366+/-0.0048
perceptron  0.9832+/-0.0003 1.4166+/-0.0207 0.9890+/-0.0042 0.2383+/-0.0051
ada-rda     0.9904+/-0.0002 1.4178+/-0.0207 0.9943+/-0.0003 0.2392+/-0.0054
ada-fobos   0.9906+/-0.0001 1.4213+/-0.0167 0.9944+/-0.0004 0.2380+/-0.0042
sop         0.9857+/-0.0003 1.4205+/-0.0212 0.9905+/-0.0042 0.2392+/-0.0021
pa          0.9853+/-0.0003 1.4077+/-0.0292 0.9900+/-0.0041 0.2384+/-0.0026
rda         0.9525+/-0.0007 1.4109+/-0.0108 0.9514+/-0.0015 0.2408+/-0.0062
cw          0.9878+/-0.0002 1.4162+/-0.0170 0.9906+/-0.0031 0.2367+/-0.0033
vw          0.9138+/-0.0023 1.8747+/-0.0743 0.9125+/-0.0019 0.3252+/-0.0121
ogd         0.9884+/-0.0004 1.4165+/-0.0222 0.9930+/-0.0008 0.2359+/-0.0036
alma2       0.9890+/-0.0002 1.4134+/-0.0101 0.9933+/-0.0005 0.2353+/-0.0041
erda        0.9888+/-0.0002 1.4137+/-0.0214 0.9934+/-0.0009 0.2383+/-0.0055
liblinear   0.9263+/-0.0001 145.5023+/-17.7614 0.9183+/-0.0001 2.0172+/-0.0164

The tables and figures in our paper description are obtained with the following command:

$ python experiment.py --shuffle 10 rcv1 ../data/rcv1_train ../data/rcv1_test

License and Citation

LIBSOL is released under the Apache 2.0 open source license.

Please cite LIBSOL in your publications if it helps your research:

  title={LIBSOL: A Library for Scalable Online Learning Algorithms},
  author={Wu, Yue and Hoi, Steven C.H. and Yu, Nenghai},
  journal={SMU Technical Report (SMU-TR-2016-07-25)},

Additional Information

For any questions and comments, please send your email to chhoi@smu.edu.sg

Released date: 25 July, 2016.


A Library for Scalable Online Learning




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