wangliangl / easy-php

A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework :rocket:

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A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework


How to build a PHP framework by ourself ?

Why do we need to build a PHP framework by ourself? Maybe the most of people will say "There have so many PHP frameworks be provided, but we still made a wheel?". My point is "Made a wheel is not our purpose, we will get a few of knowledge when making a wheel which is our really purpose".

Then, how to build a PHP framework by ourself? General process as follows:

Entry file ----> Register autoload function
           ----> Register error(and exception) function
           ----> Load config file
           ----> Request
           ----> Router
           ----> (Controller <----> Model)
           ----> Response
           ----> Json
           ----> View

In addition, unit test, nosql support, api documents and some auxiliary scripts, e.g. Finnally, My framework directory as follows:

Project Directory Structure

app                             [application backend directory]
├── demo                        [module directory]
│   ├── controllers             [controller directory]
│   │       └── Index.php       [default controller class file]
│   ├── logics                  [logic directory]
│   │   ├── exceptions          [exception directory]
│   │   ├── gateway            [a gateway example]
│   │   ├── tools               [tool class directory]
│   │   └── UserDefinedCase.php [register user defined handle before framework loading router]
│   └── models                  [model directory]
│       └── TestTable.php       [model class file]
├── config                      [config folder]
│    ├── demo                   [module config folder]
│    │   ├── config.php         [module-defined config]
│    │   └── route.php          [module-defined router]
│    ├── common.php             [common config]
│    ├── database.php           [database config]
│    ├── swoole.php             [swoole config]
│    └── nosql.php              [nosql config]
docs                            [api document directory]
├── apib                        [Api Blueprint]
│    └── demo.apib              [api doc example file]
├── swagger                     [swagger]
framework                       [easy-php framework directory]
├── exceptions                  [core exception class]
│      ├── CoreHttpException.php[http exception]
├── handles                     [handle class file be used by app run]
│      ├── Handle.php           [handle interface]
│      ├── ErrorHandle.php      [error handle class]
│      ├── ExceptionHandle.php  [exception handle class]
│      ├── ConfigHandle.php     [config handle class]
│      ├── NosqlHandle.php      [nosql handle class]
│      ├── LogHandle.php        [log handle class]
│      ├── UserDefinedHandle.php[user defined handle class]
│      ├── RouterSwooleHan...   [router handle class for swoole mode]
│      └── RouterHandle.php     [router handle class]
├── orm                         [datebase object relation map class directory]
│      ├── Interpreter.php      [sql Interpreter class]
│      ├── DB.php               [database operation class]
│      ├── Model.php            [data model]
│      └── db                   [db type directory]
│          └── Mysql.php        [mysql class file]
├── router                      [router strategy]
│      ├── RouterInterface.php  [router strategy interface]
│      ├── General.php          [general strategy class]
│      ├── Pathinfo.php         [pathinfo strategy class]
│      ├── Userdefined.php      [userdefined strategy class]
│      ├── Micromonomer.php     [micromonomer strategy class]
│      ├── Job.php              [job strategy class]
│      ├── EasySwooleRouter.php [router strategy entrance class for swoole mode]
│      └── EasyRouter.php       [router strategy entrance class]
├── nosql                       [nosql directory]
│    ├── Memcahed.php           [memcahed class file]
│    ├── MongoDB.php            [mongoDB class file]
│    └── Redis.php              [redis class file]
├── App.php                     [this application class file]
├── Container.php               [container class file]
├── Helper.php                  [helper class file]
├── Load.php                    [autoload class file]
├── Request.php                 [request object class file]
├── Response.php                [response object class file]
├── run.php                     [run this application script file]
├── swoole.php                  [init the framework && swoole server]
frontend                        [application frontend source code directory]
├── src                         [source folder]
│    ├── components             [vue components]
│    ├── views                  [vue views]
│    ├── images                 [images folder]
│    ├── ...
├── app.js                      [vue root js]
├── app.vue                     [vue root component]
├── index.template.html         [frontend entrance template file]
├── store.js                    [vuex store file]
jobs                            [Jobs folder, where write you business script]
├── demo                        [Module folder]
│    ├── Demo.php               [Job script example file]
│    ├── ...
public                          [this is a resource directory to expose service resource]
├── dist                        [frontend source file after build]
│    └── ...
├── index.html                  [entrance html file]
├── index.php                   [entrance php script file]
├── server.php                  [init the server with swoole]
runtime                         [temporary file such as log]
├── logs                        [log directory]
├── build                       [phar directory build by build script]
tests                           [unit test directory]
├── demo                        [module name]
│      └── DemoTest.php         [test class file]
├── TestCase.php                [phpunit test case class file]
vendor                          [composer vendor directory]
.git-hooks                      [git hooks directory]
├── pre-commit                  [git pre-commit example file]
├── commit-msg                  [git commit-msg example file]
.babelrc                        [babel config file]
.env.example                    [the environment variables example file]
.gitignore                      [git ignore config file]
.travis.yml                     [travis-ci config file]
build                           [build php code to phar file script]
cli                             [run this framework with the php cli mode]
LICENSE                         [lincese file]
logo.png                        [logo picture]
composer.json                   [composer file]
composer.lock                   [composer lock file]
package.json                    [dependence file for frontend]
phpunit.xml                     [phpunit config file]                    [readme file chinese]                       [readme file]
run                             [quick start shell script]
webpack.config.js               [webpack config file]
yarn.lock                       [yarn lock file]

Life Cycle

Framework Module Description:

Entrance file

Defined a entrance file that provide a uniform file for user visit, which hide the complex logic like the enterprise service bus.

// require the application run file

[file: public/index.php]

Autoload Module

Register a autoload function in the __autoload queue by used spl_autoload_register, after that, we can use a class by namespace and keyword 'use'.

[file: framework/Load.php]

Error&Exception Handle Module

  • Catch error:

Register a function by used set_error_handler to handle error, but it can't handle the following error, E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_CORE_WARNING, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_WARNING and the E_STRICT produced by the file which called set_error_handler function. So, we need use register_shutdown_function and error_get_last to handle this finally error which set_error_handler can't handle. When the framework running, we can handle the error by ourself, such as, give a friendly error messge for client.

[file: framework/hanles/ErrorHandle.php]

  • Catch exception:

Register a function by used set_exception_handler to handle the exception which is not be catched, which can give a friendly error messge for client.

[file: framework/hanles/ExceptionHandle.php]

Config Handle Module

Loading framework-defined and user-defined config files.

For example,the master-salve database config:

dbtype   = mysqldb
dbprefix = easy
dbname   = easyphp
dbhost   = localhost
username = easyphp
password = easyphp
slave    = 0,1

dbname   = easyphp
dbhost   = localhost
username = easyphp
password = easyphp

dbname   = easyphp
dbhost   = localhost
username = easyphp
password = easyphp

[file: framework/hanles/ConfigHandle.php]

Request&Response Module

  • Request Object: contains all the requested information.
  • Response Object: contains all the response information.

All output is json in the framework, neithor framework's core error or business logic's output, beacuse I think is friendly.

Request param check, Support require/length/number check at present. Use as follows:
$request = App::$container->get('request');
$request->check('username', 'require');
$request->check('password', 'length', 12);
$request->check('code', 'number');

[file: framework/Request.php]

[file: framework/Response.php]

Route Handle Module

├── router                      [datebase object relation map class directory]
      ├── RouterInterface.php   [router strategy interface]
      ├── General.php           [general strategy class]
      ├── Pathinfo.php          [pathinfo strategy class]
      ├── Userdefined.php       [userdefined strategy class]
      ├── Micromonomer.php      [micromonomer strategy class]
      ├── Job.php               [job strategy class]
      └── EasyRouter.php        [router strategy entrance class]

Execute the target controller's function by the router parse the url information.Is composed of four types of:

tradition router


pathinfo router


user-defined router

// config/moduleName/route.php, this 'this' point to RouterHandle instance
$this->get('v1/user/info', function (Framework\App $app) {
    return 'Hello Get Router';

micro monolith router

What's the micro monolith router? There are a lot of teams are moving in the SOA service structure or micro service structure, I think it is difficult for a small team. So the micro monolith was born, what's this? In my opinion, this is a SOA process for a monolith application.For example:

├── UserService     [user service module]
├── ContentService  [content service module]
├── OrderService    [order service module]
├── CartService     [cart service module]
├── PayService      [pay service module]
├── GoodsService    [goods service module]
└── CustomService   [custom service module]

As above, we implemented a easy micro monolith structure.But how these module to communicate with each other? As follows:

App::$app->get('demo/index/hello', [
    'user' => 'TIGERB'

So we can resolve this problem loose coupling. In the meantime, we can exchange our application to the SOA structure easily, beacuse we only need to change the method get implementing way in the App class, the way contain RPC, REST. etc.

[file: framework/hanles/RouterHandle.php]


The tradition MVC pattern includes the model,view,controller layer. In general, you always write the business logic in the controller or model layer. But you will feel the code is difficult to read, maintain, expand after a long time. So I add a logic layer in the framework forcefully where you can implement the business logic by yourself. You can not only implement a tool class but also implement your business logic in a new subfolder, what's more, you can implement a gateway based on the pattern of responsibility (I provided a example).

In the end, the structure as follows:

  • M: models, the map of database's table where define the curd operation.
  • C: controllers, where expose the business resourse
  • L: logics, where implement the business logic flexiblly

Logics layer

A gateway example:

I built a gateway in the logics folder, structure as follows:

gateway                     [gateway directory in logics]
  ├── Check.php             [interface]
  ├── CheckAppkey.php       [check app key]
  ├── CheckArguments.php    [check require arguments]
  ├── CheckAuthority.php    [check auth]
  ├── CheckFrequent.php     [check call frequent]
  ├── CheckRouter.php       [router]
  ├── CheckSign.php         [check sign]
  └── Entrance.php          [entrance file]

The gateway entrance class code as follows:

// init:gateway common arguments must be not empty check
$checkArguments   =  new CheckArguments();
// init:app key check
$checkAppkey      =  new CheckAppkey();
// init:call frequent check
$checkFrequent    =  new CheckFrequent();
// init:sign check
$checkSign        =  new CheckSign();
// init:auth check
$checkAuthority   =  new CheckAuthority();
// init:gateway's router
$checkRouter      =  new CheckRouter();

// build object chain

// start gateway

After the gateway be implemented, how to use this in the framework?I provide a user-defined's class, we just register this in the UserDefinedCase class. for example:

 * register user-defined behavior
 * @var array
private $map = [
    // for example, loading user-defined gateway

So, the gateway is running.But what's the UserDefinedCase that can be loading before RouterHandle.

Where is the view layer?I abandon it, beacuse I chose the SPA for frontend, detail as follows.

[file: app/*]

Using Vue For View

source code folder

The separate-frontend-and-backend and two-way data binding, modular is so popular.In the meantime, I moved the project easy-vue that built by myself to the framework as the view layer. The frontend source code folder as follows:

frontend                        [application frontend source code directory]
├── src                         [source folder]
│    ├── components             [vue components]
│    ├── views                  [vue views]
│    ├── images                 [images folder]
│    ├── ...
├── app.js                      [vue root js]
├── app.vue                     [vue root component]
├── index.template.html         [frontend entrance template file]
├── store.js                    [vuex store file]

Build Step

yarn install

DOMAIN=http://yourdomain npm run dev

After build

After built success, there made dist folder and index.html in the public. This file will be ignore when this branch is not the release branch.

public                          [this is a resource directory to expose service resource]
├── dist                        [frontend source file after build]
│    └── ...
├── index.html                  [entrance html file]

[file: frontend/*]


What's the ORM(Object Relation Map)? In my opinion, ORM is a thought that build a relationship of object and the abstract things.The model is the database's table and the model's instance is a operation for the table."Why do you do that, use the sql directly is not good?", my answer:you can do what you like to do, everything is flexable, but it's not be suggested from a perspective of a framework's reusable, maintainable and extensible.

On the market for the implemention of the ORM, such as: Active Record in thinkphp and yii, Eloquent in laravel, then we call the ORM here is "ORM" simply. The "ORM" structure in the framework as follows:

├── orm                         
│      ├── Interpreter.php      [sql Interpreter]
│      ├── DB.php               [database operate class]
│      ├── Model.php            [base model class]
│      └── db                   
│          └── Mysql.php        [mysql class]

DB example

 * DB operation example
 * findAll
 * @return void
public function dbFindAllDemo()
    $where = [
        'id'   => ['>=', 2],
    $instance = DB::table('user');
    $res      = $instance->where($where)
                         ->orderBy('id asc')
    $sql      = $instance->sql;

    return $res;

Model example

// controller
 * model example
 * @return mixed
public function modelExample()
    try {

        $testTableModel = new TestTable();

        // find one data
        // find all data
        // save data
        // delete data
        // update data
               'nickname' => 'easy-php'
        // count data

        return 'success';

    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return 'fail';

//TestTable model
 * Model example
 * findAll
 * @return void
public function modelFindAllDemo()
    $where = [
        'id'   => ['>=', 2],
    $res = $this->where($where)
                ->orderBy('id asc')
    $sql = $this->sql;

    return $res;

[file: framework/orm/*]

Service Container

What's the service container?

Service container is difficultly understand, I think it just a third party class, which can inject the class and instance. we can get the instance in the container very simple.

The meaning of the service container?

According to the design patterns: we need make our code "highly cohesive, loosely coupled". As the result of "highly cohesive" is "single principle", As the result of "single principle" is the class rely on each other. General way that handle the dependency as follows:

class Demo
    public function __construct ()
        // the demo directly dependent on RelyClassName
        $instance = new RelyClassName ();

The above code is no problem, but is not conform to the design pattern of "The least kown principle", beacuse it has a direct dependence. We bring a third class in the framework, which can new a class or get a instance. So, the third party class is the service container, which like the role of 'middleware' in the architecture of the system.

After implements a service container, I put the Rquest, Config and other instances are injected into service in the singleton container, when we need to use can be obtained from the container, is very convenient.Use the following:

// Inject the single instance
App::$container->setSingle('alias', 'object/closure/class name');

// Such as,Inject Request instance
App::$container->setSingle('request', function () {
    // closure function lazy load
    return new Request();
// get Request instance

[file: framework/Container]

Nosql Support

Inject the nosql's single instance in service container when the framework loading, you can decide what nosql you need use whit the configuration. At present we support redis/memcahed/mongodb.

Some example:

// get redis instance
// get memcahed instance
// get mongodb instance

Swoole Support

This framework support swoole mode with the php extension swoole, just:

cd public && php server.php

[file: framework/swoole.php]

Job Support

You can do some job in the jobs folder directly as follows:

jobs                            [Jobs folder, where write you business script]
├── demo                        [Module folder]
│    ├── Demo.php               [Job script example file]
│    ├── ...

Job demo file:

namespace Jobs\Demo;

 * Demo Jobs
 * @author TIERGB <>
class Demo
     * job
     * @example php cli --jobs=demo.demo.test
    public function test()
        echo 'Hello Easy PHP Jobs';

So, just run the command:

php cli --job=demo.demo.test

[file: jobs/*]

Api Docs

Usually after we write an api, the api documentation is a problem, we use the Api Blueprint protocol to write the api document and mock. At the same time, we can request the api real-timely by used Swagger (unavailable).

I chose the Api Blueprint's tool snowboard, detail as follows:

Api doc generate instruction

cd docs/apib

./snowboard html -i demo.apib -o demo.html -s

open the website, http://localhost:8088/

Api mock instruction

cd docs/apib

./snowboard mock -i demo.apib

open the website, http://localhost:8087/demo/index/hello

[file: docs/*]


Based on the phpunit, I think write unit tests is a good habit.

How to make a test?

Write test file in the folder tests by referenced the file DemoTest.php, then run:


The assertion example:

 * test assertion example
public function testDemo()
        'Hello Easy PHP',
        // assert the result by run hello function in demo/Index controller

phpunit assertions manual

[file: tests/*]

Git Hooks

  • The standard of coding: verify the coding forcefully before commit by used php_codesniffer
  • The standard of commit-msg: verify the commit-msg forcefully before commit by used the script commit-msg wrote by Treri, which can enhance the git log readability and debugging, log analysis usefully, etc.

[file: ./git-hooks/*]


cli script

Run the framework with cli mode, detail in the instruction.

build script

Build the application in the runtime/build folder, such as:


// require the phar file in index.php file


php cli --build

[file: ./build]

How to use ?


composer create-project tigerb/easy-php easy --prefer-dist && cd easy

Web Server Mode:

Quick Start:

php cli --run

demo as follows:

Cli Mode:

php cli --method=<module.controller.action> --<arguments>=<value> ...

For example, php cli --method=demo.index.get --username=easy-php

Swoole Mode:

cd public && php server.php

Get Help:

Use php cli OR php cli --help

Performance with php-fmp

ab -c 100 -n 10000 "http://easy-php.local/Demo/Index/hello"

Concurrency Level:      100
Time taken for tests:   3.259 seconds
Complete requests:      10000
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      1970000 bytes
HTML transferred:       530000 bytes
Requests per second:    3068.87 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       32.585 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       0.326 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          590.40 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        0    0   0.3      0       4
Processing:     6   32   4.0     31      68
Waiting:        6   32   4.0     31      68
Total:          8   32   4.0     31      68

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%     31
  66%     32
  75%     33
  80%     34
  90%     39
  95%     41
  98%     43
  99%     46
 100%     68 (longest request)

Performance with Swoole

ab -c 100 -n 10000 "http://easy-php.local/Demo/Index/hello"

Concurrency Level:      100
Time taken for tests:   1.319 seconds
Complete requests:      10000
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      1870000 bytes
HTML transferred:       160000 bytes
Requests per second:    7580.84 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       13.191 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       0.132 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          1384.39 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        0    5  10.6      3     172
Processing:     1    9  13.4      7     177
Waiting:        0    7  11.7      6     173
Total:          3   13  16.9     11     179

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%     11
  66%     12
  75%     13
  80%     14
  90%     15
  95%     17
  98%     28
  99%     39
 100%    179 (longest request)


If you find some question,please launch a issue or PR。

How to Contribute?

cp ./.git-hooks/* ./git/hooks

After that, launch a PR as usual.

project address:


  • Add database sql helper
  • Integrate swagger
  • Provide much friendly help for user
  • Module's config support module-defined mysql and nosql configuration
  • ORM provide more apis
  • Make different rank for log
  • Resolve config problem when publish our project
  • implement auto deploy by used phar
  • ...


  • v0.8.0(2017/12/29)

    • use swoole
    • fix infinite recursion for micromonomer router
  • v0.7.1(2017/08/29)

    • refactor router by the strategy design pattern
  • v0.7.0(2017/06/18)

    • implement ci by travis-ci
    • add jobs script folder
  • v0.6.9(2017/05/22)

    • more friendly for api develop process
      • request param check:require/length/number
    • support master-salve config for db
  • v0.6.7(2017/05/14)

    • fix not set default time zone
    • The performance test and optimize
    • Use the lazy load thought to optimize the framework
    • Change Helper's method to the framework's function




A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework :rocket:

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:PHP 85.3%Language:Vue 8.2%Language:JavaScript 3.8%Language:Shell 2.7%Language:HTML 0.1%