wang502 / gores

:construction_worker: Redis-backed library for creating background jobs in Go. Placing jobs in multiple queues, and process them later asynchronously.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gores Build Status Go Report Card

An asynchronous job execution system based on Redis


Get the package

$ go get

Import the package

import ""


Start local Redis server

$ git clone
$ cd redis
$ ./src/redis-server


Add a config.json in your project folder

  "RedisURL": "",
  "RedisPassword": "mypassword",
  "BlpopMaxBlockTime" : 1,
  "MaxWorkers": 2,
  "Queues": ["queue1", "queue2"],
  "DispatcherTimeout": 5,
  "WorkerTimeout": 5
  • RedisURL: Redis server address. If you run in a local Redis, the dafault host is
  • RedisPassword: Redis password. If the password is not set, then password can be any string.
  • BlpopMaxBlockTime: Blocking time when calling BLPOP command in Redis.
  • MaxWorkers: Maximum number of concurrent workers, each worker is a separate goroutine that execute specific task on the fetched item.
  • Queues: Array of queue names on Redis message broker.
  • DispatcherTimeout: Duration dispatcher will wait to dispatch new job before quitting.
  • WorkerTimeout: Duration worker will wait to process new job before quitting.

Initialize config

configPath := flag.String("c", "config.json", "path to configuration file")
config, err := gores.InitConfig(*configPath)

Enqueue job to Redis queue

A job is a Go map. It is required to have several keys:

  • Name: name of the item to enqueue, items with different names are mapped to different tasks.
  • Queue: name of the queue you want to put the item in.
  • Args: the required arguments that you need in order for the workers to execute those tasks.
  • Enqueue_timestamp: the Unix timestamp of when the item is enqueued.
gores := gores.NewGores(config)
job := map[string]interface{}{
  "Name": "Rectangle",
  "Queue": "TestJob",
  "Args": map[string]interface{}{
                "Length": 10,
                "Width": 10,
  "Enqueue_timestamp": time.Now().Unix(),

err = gores.Enqueue(job)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("ERROR Enqueue item to Gores")
$ go run main.go -c ./config.json -o produce

Define tasks

package tasks

// task for item with 'Name' = 'Rectangle'
// calculating the area of an rectangle by multiplying Length with Width
func CalculateArea(args map[string]interface{}) error {
    var err error

    length := args["Length"]
    width := args["Width"]
    if length == nil || width == nil {
        err = errors.New("Map has no required attributes")
        return err
    fmt.Printf("The area is %d\n", int(length.(float64)) * int(width.(float64)))
    return err

Launch workers to consume items and execute tasks

tasks := map[string]interface{}{
              "Item": tasks.PrintItem,
              "Rectangle": tasks.CalculateArea,
gores.Launch(config, &tasks)
$ go run main.go -c ./config.json -o consume

The output will be:

The rectangle area is 100

Info about processed/failed job

gores := gores.NewGores(config)
if gores == nil {
    log.Fatalf("gores is nil")

info, err := gores.Info()
if err != nil {

for k, v := range info {
    switch v.(type) {
    case string:
      fmt.Printf("%s : %s\n", k, v)
    case int:
      fmt.Printf("%s : %d\n", k, v)
    case int64:
      fmt.Printf("%s : %d\n", k, v)

The output will be:

Gores Info:
queues : 2
workers : 0
failed : 0
host :
pending : 0
processed : 1


Please feel free to suggest new features. Also open to pull request!


:construction_worker: Redis-backed library for creating background jobs in Go. Placing jobs in multiple queues, and process them later asynchronously.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%