wandrien / icegenerator

IceGenerator with custom patches

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IceGenerator 0.5.5-pre1 - README

IceGenerator is a direct streaming generator for Icecast/Shoutcast. It runs as a daemon.
Three child processes handle all the stuff. A fourth (optional) child cares about
telnet communication.
Main idea for this program is radio automation on a Icecast/Shoutcast server. If you have
many server processes and CPU saving is your priority, u can use IceGenerator.
Obviously mp3s/oggs will be already resampled to allow their streaming on your bandwidth

This is a pre-realease version, cause many big changes are in progress. I'd like
that you can test it along its development.

============ FEATURES/LIMITATIONS ============
* Automatically put into playlist directories full of mp3s, or a MySQL table
* No resampling is allowed, so CPU is saved.
* MP3s/OGGs are played randomly or in alphabetic order, without repeating twice a song.
  You can loop the whole playlist at its end.
* When IceGenerator quits, finish its last song first.
* IceGenerator status is optionally reported to syslog/log file.
* Very useful when used with crond.
* ID3 support

============ REQUIREMENTS ============
* Linux 2.x/FreeBSD/NetBSD/MacOS/Solaris/OpenBSD.
* You have to install libshout2. You can find it at http://www.icecast.org/download.html.
* For ID3 support, you have to install id3lib. You can find it at http://id3lib.sourceforge.net
* An IceCast/Shoutcast server.
* An Intel 486-like CPU class (maybe a fast 386-like will work).
* A good broadband connection.

============ INSTALL ============
Just type:

make install

Configure options:
  --with-id3      adds ID3 support
  --with-mysql    adds MySQL support
  --with-pgsql    adds PostGreSQL support

Binary is installed in /usr/local/bin as default. 
It requires a configuration file, located in /usr/local/etc as default,
that indicates mp3s/oggs paths and all the stuff related to connection to Icecast.
A sample configuration file is in etc/ directory of this package.
All mp3s MUST HAVE .mp3 extension, and oggs MUST HAVE .ogg extension. Case is

Configure your streaming server properly. The default user for Icecast-2.0 is "source",
but you can change as you want. You can also set a mount point different from "/", so you
an many instances of icegenerator at once (each one with a different mount point, obviously).

Then type "icegenerator" and put on your stream player (like XMMS). If you can't
hear music, maybe your volume is too low :-D

More options (like icegenerator.conf path, deamon start) are available
at command line. Type "icegeneator -h" for synopsys.

To quit this daemon, just run "killall icegenerator", and wait for last
song to finish.

Really simple, uh?

Some players (like WinAmp, XMMS, etc.) requires a valid mount point for OGG files. They
need .OGG extension, cause MIME header isn't evaluated. Keep in mind it ...

============ CONFIGURATION ============
All configuration options are listed in icegenerator.conf file that usually
resides in /usr/local/etc of your sistem.

Each line that starts with a '#' is treated as a comment.

*** Server section ***
All option in server section are required.

- IP: Specify here your IceCast/ShoutCast server IP
- PORT: Specify here your IceCast/ShoutCast server port
- SERVER: Specify what protocol your IceCast/ShoutCast uses. Refer to your
  stream server documentation for further details. Only two protocols are
  supported, ICY and HTTP.
- MOUNT: Specify mount point for clients, that is where they find your stream
  server in http path. For example, setting MOUNT as /my_stream requires that
  clients use URL http://your_server:your_port/my_stream. REMEMBER TO SET A VIRTUAL
*** User section ***
All option in user section are required.

- USER: Specify which user has streaming rights. As far as I know, IceCast uses
  "source" as default, but u can use anything else, cause it's ignored. However
  you can find more informations in your stream server documentation.
- PASSWORD: Specify password to connect to your stream server.

*** File and playlist section ***
All option in file and playlist section are required.

- FORMAT: Specify what type of audio data are you going to stream. Only MP3 and OGG
  files are allowed. Use "0" for OGG, "1" for MP3.
- MP3PATH: Here is one of strong point of IceGenerator, its capability to accept
  many ways to search for audio songs. First three chars of this variable specify
  where are your audio songs, use "PTH" for directories, "SQL" for a MySQL table
  (only allowed if MySQL support is enabled during compilation), "PQL" for a PostGreSQL
  table (only allowed if PostGreSQL support is enabled during compilation), "PLS" for .PLS
  playlist file support, "M3U" for .M3U playlist file support. After a ':' character,
  you can specify all option that refers to way that you have chosen.
  + PTH case: you can specify one or more directories separated with ';'. Wrong paths
    will be skipped.
  + PQL/SQL case: you have to specify these informations separated with ';' in the
    following order:
    % host: your SQL server ip or symbolic name.
	  % port: your SQL server port. If you specify "0", default port will be used.
	  % user: SQL user that has access rights to database that you'll specify. Only
	    SELECT right is required.
	  % password: password for SQL user.
	  % database: database name that contains table that contains audio songs paths.
		% table: table name that contains audio songs paths.
		% field: field name that contains audio songs paths.
  + M3U/PLS case: you have to specify only a playlist file path.
	+ You have two directories full of OGG files, /path1/dir and /my_audio/rock/80s.
	+ You have a MySQL server located at sql.mydomain.com, you have a database called
	  webextra with a table called songsdata and a column called songs. MySQL user
		that has access rights is called john.

- RECURSIVE: When this variable is set to 1, IceGenerator search for audio songs
  in subdirectories of directories specified in MP3PATH. Obviously, it is ignored
	when you use MySQL as source data.
- DUMPFILE: Specify a file where stream is saved. 

- LOOP: If set, playlist is looped at its end.

- SHUFFLE: If set, playlist is played randomly.

*** Information section ***
- URL: Specify name, genre, description and URL of your stream.

- BITRATE: Specify bitrate of your stream. This value is purely informational,
  it doesn't affect real bitrate.
- PUBLIC: If set, your URL is published into stream directory server(s).

- METAUPDATE: Specify delay (in seconds) between META information update that
  is sent to clients. A value of "0" disables META information change, and
  only NAME value is displayed.

- MDFPATH: Specify path of your global MetaDataFile. See README.IceMetal
  for more info.
*** Debug and logging information ***
- LOG: Specify logging type. "0" means no logging at all, "1" logs to system
  log daemon, "2" logs to /var/log/icegenerator.log.
*** Telnet interface ***
- DATAPORT: Specify port used for telnet interface. If not specified at all,
  telnet interface will be disabled. A value of "0" sets default port (8796).

============ TELNET INTERFACE ============
You can connect to IceGenerator during stream with a TCP connection like telnet.
Connection port is specified with DATAPORT option. After command is sent, an
answer is returned and connection is closed. Commands that not require an answer
have an "OK" string in return. All commands MUST HAVE a '.' character at their end.
Available commands are:
- TRACK: returns information about current track.
- LOOP: returns "1" or "0" if loop is active or not.
- SHUFFLE: returns "1" or "0" if shuffle is active or not.
- LOOPON: activates loop.
- LOOPOFF: deactivates loop.
- SHUFFLEON: activates shuffle.
- SHUFFLEOFF: deactivates shuffle.
- QUIT: quit after current track.
- QUITNOW: quit immediately.

More commands will be available in future.

============ ID3 AND ICEMETAL ============
See README.IceMetal for info.

============ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ============
I'd to thank

  - DIeMONd
  - TSx7 (alias techtonik)
  - Stefani Banerian
  - Michel Hendriks
  - Jacob Brandup
  - Patrick Atlas
for help me fixing bugs and suggesting more features.

Many thanks also to SourceForge, FreshMeat, Berlios, SourceWell, IceWalkers for
hosting and promoting this project.

============ CONTACT ============
For all suggestion and bug reporting, write to administrator@tortugalabs.it.



IceGenerator with custom patches

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:C++ 95.8%Language:Shell 2.1%Language:C 1.2%Language:M4 0.8%Language:Makefile 0.1%