waltervanheuven / auto-alt-text

Automatically generate Alt Text for images and other objects in Powerpoint presentations using MLLM/VLM

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Automatically create Alt Text for images and other objects in Powerpoint presentations using Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) or Visual-Language (VL) pre-trained models. The Python script will create a text file with the generated Alt Text as well as apply these to the images and objects in the PowerPoint file and save the updated Powerpoint to a new file.

The script currently supports the following models:

All models, except GPT-4V, run locally. GPT-4V requires API access. By default, images are resized so that width and height are maximum 500 pixels before inference. Note that to use the Qwen-VL model, requires an NVIDIA RTX A4000 (or better), or an M1-Max or better. For inference hardware requirements of Cog-VL, check the Cog-VLM github page.



Install latest Python 3.11 on macOS using brew.

git clone
cd auto-alt-text

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt

To generate Alt Text for Windows Metafile (WMF) images in Powerpoint on macOS and Linux, the script needs LibreOffice to convert WMF to a bitmap format. On macOS use brew to install LibreOffice. Furthermore, for additional functionality install qpdf and ImageMagick.

brew install libreoffice
brew install qpdf
brew install imagemagick

For cuda support on Linux, follow instructions on the PyTorch website to install torch with cuda support.


Install latest Python 3.11 on Windows using, for example, scoop.

git clone
cd auto-alt-text

python311 -m venv venv

python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
python -m pip install -r .\requirements.txt

# for cuda support install torch (cuda 12.1)
python -m pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

To generate Alt Text for Windows Metafile (WMF) images in Powerpoint on Windows, the script needs ImageMagick to convert WMF to a bitmap format. Use scoop to install imagemagick.

scoop install main/imagemagick
scoop install main/qpdf

Additional libs for Qwen-VL and Cog-VL models

pip install matplotlib tiktoken transformers_stream_generator optimum scipy

# for auto_gptq on MacOS, run:
BUILD_CUDA_EXT=0 pip install auto_gptq
# else
pip install auto_gptq

pip install einops xformers accelerate bitsandbytes

Generate accessibility report

Show current alt text of objects (e.g. images, shapes, group shapes) in a Powerpoint file and generate an alt text accessibility report. A tab-delimited text file is created with the alt text of each object in the Powerpoint file.

python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --report
# output is written to `pptx/test1.txt`


Example command for using Kosmos-2. Script will download the Komos-2 model (~6.66GB).

# Generate alt text for images in the Powerpoint file based using the specified model (e.g. kosmos-2)
# Note that all images in the powerpoint files are saved separately in a folder
# Powerpoint file with the alt texts will be saved to '<filename>_<model_name>.pptx'
python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model kosmos-2

# custom prompt to get brief image descriptions
# for Kosmos-2 start prompt with <grounding>
python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model kosmos-2 --prompt "<grounding>An image of"


Example command for using Qwen-VL. Script will download the Qwen-VL-Chat model (~9.75GB) if CUDA support is available. On Apple Silicon Macs the Qwen-VL-Chat-Int4 is used.

Qwen-VL only tested with an RTX A4000 GPU on Windows and with an M1-Max on macOS (32GB RAM).

python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model qwen-vl

# custom prompt to get brief image descriptions
python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model qwen-vl --prompt "What is the key information illustrated in this image"


The Python script can also use OpenCLIP to generate descriptions of images in Powerpoint files. There are many OpenCLIP models and pretrained models that you can use. To find out the available models, use --show_openclip_models. The default model is coca_ViT-L-14 and the pretrained model is mscoco_finetuned_laion2B-s13B-b90k (~2.55Gb model file will be downloaded).

python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model openclip

# list available OpenCLIP models
python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --show_openclip_models

# specify specific OpenCLIP model and pretained model
python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model openclip --openclip_model coca_ViT-L-14 --openclip_pretrained mscoco_finetuned_laion2B-s13B-b90k


To use GPT-4V you need to have API access. Images will be send to OpenAI servers for inference. Costs for using the API depend on the size and number the images. API access pricing information. The script uses the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. Information how to set/add this variable can be found in the OpenAI quickstart docs.

python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model gpt-4v

# custom prompt
python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model gpt-4v --prompt "Describe clearly in two sentences"


You can use LLaVA locally or use a LLaVA server (running locally or remotely).

Running LLaVA locally requires a GPU with CUDA support.

python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model llava

LLaVA server

If you want to use LLaVA running on a server you can use, for example, llama.cpp, which runs on macOS, Windows and Linux.

Steps to set up a local LLaVA server using llama.cpp:

# clone llama.cpp repository in a tmp folder
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
git clone

# build
cd llama.cpp

# create folder `llava` in main folder `auto-alt-text`
cd ..
mkdir llava
mkdir llava/models

Copy server from the tmp/llama.cpp/ folder to the llava folder. For Metal on macOS also copy ggml-metal.metal that can be found in tmp/llama.cpp/ to the folder llava.

Models for LLaVA can be found on huggingface:

Download ggml-model-q5_k.gguf and mmproj-model-f16.gguf and move the files to the folder models in the folder llava.

Start LLaVA server

./llava/server -t 4 -c 4096 -ngl 50 -m llava/models/ggml-model-q5_k.gguf --host --port 8007 --mmproj llava/models/mmproj-model-f16.gguf

Example of using a LLaVA server

python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model llava --use_llava_server

# specify a different prompt
python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model llava --use_llava_server --prompt "Describe in simple words using maximal 125 characters"

Edit generated alt texts and apply to Powerpoint file

The generated alt texts are saved to a text file so that these it can be edited. You can apply the edited alt texts in the file to the powerpoint file using the option --replace. The Powerpoint file is saved as <filename>_alt_text.pptx.

python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --replace pptx/test1_kosmos-2_edited.txt

Presenter notes

The models are prompted to generate alt texts with up to 125 characters for each image. For complex images and figures a 125 character description might not be sufficient, therefore a longer desciption of the slide as a whole can be generated to improve accessibility. This slide description will be placed in the slide presenter notes. The most accurate slide descriptions will be generated by multimodal LLMs (e.g. LLaVA, GPT-4V). To create slide descriptions when the slide has at least one image or non-text object, add --add_to_notes.

python source/ pptx/test1.pptx --model llava --use_llava_server --add_to_notes --resize 0


Add --help to show all command line options.

python source/ --help

Known issues

  • LLaVA inference is not working properly when image is resized, use --resize 0 to disable image resizing.

  • If the script reports Unable to access image file:, delete the generated folder for the pptx file.


Automatically generate Alt Text for images and other objects in Powerpoint presentations using MLLM/VLM

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%