walmartlabs / system-viz

Graphviz visualization of a component system

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Clojars Project

system-viz is a tiny, simple library to visualize a system, constructed using Stuart Sierra's component library.

Use of this project requires that Graphviz is installed, which can be checked by running dot -V at the command line. If it's not installed, you can do the following:

platform directions
Linux install graphviz using your package manager
OS X download the installer
Windows download the installer

API documentation


Here, we are creating a very hypothetical stand-in for some kind of system:

(require '[com.walmartlabs.system-viz :refer [visualize-system]]
         '[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])

(def sys
    :auth (component/using {} {:delegate :local/auth})
    :local/auth (component/using {} [:database])
    :database (component/using {} [])
    :handler (component/using {} [:database :message-queue])
    :message-queue {}
    :router (component/using {} {:queue :message-queue})
    :web-server (component/using {} [:auth :router :handler])))

(visualize-system sys)

This will open a window displaying an image somewhat like:


Dependencies between components are shown as arrows; the arrows are only labeled when the component's local key for the dependency is different from the target component's system key.

visualize-system returns the system it is passed; it is intended as a filter used for side effects (creating and opening the graph image).

Horizontal Output

Some systems will render more readibly with a horizontal layout.

(visualize-system sys {:horizontal true})

will render as:

Horizontal System

Broken Systems

Sometimes, in larger and more complex projects, you may have errors in your inter-component dependencies. The component library detects this, but the exception can be extremely difficult to parse.

system-viz can help here: it will identify dependencies that link to non-existent components, highlighting the missing components in red:

Bad System


The visual representation of the components in the graph can be adjusted for specific nodes, using particular component keys in the :systemviz namespace.


(require '[com.walmartlabs.system-viz :refer [visualize-system]]
         '[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])

(def sys
    :auth (component/using {} {:delegate :local/auth})
    :local/auth (component/using {:systemviz/color :magenta} [:database])
    :database (component/using {:systemviz/highlight true} [])
    :handler (component/using {} [:database :message-queue])
    :message-queue {:systemviz/attrs {:shape :box3d}}
    :router (component/using {} {:queue :message-queue})
    :web-server (component/using {} [:auth :router :handler])))

Customized System

Customization Component Attributes


Sets the color of the node to the provided value, and sets the style of the node to filled.


Sets the color of the node to a light blue, and increases the font size from the default 14 point to 24 point.


Allows the specification of arbitrary Graphviz node attributes as a nested map of keys and values. Values should be strings, numbers, or keywords and will be quoted as necessary.

Customization Options

Two options to visualize-system support customization:


Defines the set of GraphViz node attributes used when a component has the :systemviz/highlight attribute.


A function that is passed each component's key and component map and return nil, or a map of GraphViz node attributes.

For example, this could allow easy customization of components based on the namespace of thier component keys, or other factors.


Copyright © 2015-2018 Walmart Labs

Distributed under the Apache Software License 2.0.


Graphviz visualization of a component system

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%