wallies / cool-trends-tech-and-industry-watch-lists

List of tech in different areas I'm watching or have liked the look of or just started to curate a list of

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Cool Trends, Tech, Companies and Industry things to monitor


List of tech / companies in different areas I'm watching or have liked the look of or just started to curate a list of

Over the last few years I have began lists of tech, industries, companies and things I want to watch or keep an eye on. I thought I would put it on the internet, as I believe in sharing knowledge.

Yes one could perceive this as an awesome list of awesomeness, but that is not what I intended or setout to achieve. If there is an awesome list for something usually I will link to it. Yes I could have also made this into a tech radar, but I'm not looking to suggest to adopt any of these technologies or companies, I am simply pointing people in a general direction or a starting point, if they wanted to look into an area more.

This is in no way an exhaustive list in each area. I don't have the time or mental breadth to keep up with each area. Some areas have been a look into an area for an hour, some weeks, some months. If you think something should belong or not belong feel free to raise an issue or pull request.

Feel free to contribute :)

Categories List

Below is a brief explanation for each of the lists included in the collection. As you can see, the interests represented are somewhat eclectic.

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

Blockchain enables multiple parties to conduct business transactions and share information reliably without the need for trusted intermediaries.

Blockchain Companies

Companies that are building blockchain technologies and services.

Energy-Based Blockchains

Blockchain applications specifically targeting energy production, storage and trading.

Financial-Based Blockchains

Blockchain applications targeting the financial services industry.

Unique Blockchain Uses

Interesting blockchain applications not covered by either energy or finance.


Data is the new oil. The volume of data being produced by our Internet-connected society continues to grow exponentially.

Data Economy

Data economy covers everything to do with trading or selling data from data platforms to individual products and services.

Data Fabrics and Ontology

These are modern data integration technologies.

ETL and Data Pipelines

Tools for moving data around the network and for performing many operations on data such as cleansing, deduplicating, assessing quality, etc.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet-connected devices are proliferating like wild, and a massive industry is growing around making use of the massive streams of data they are producing and around effectively managing all of these devices. Because the devices increasingly communicate with each other, it is now an Internet of Things rather than what it was before, an Internet of people.

Driverless Cars

All things related to autonomous driving vehicles.


All things related to drones and their many industry applications.

Edge Computing

Compute platforms designed specifically to deal with the challenges posed by IoT, the enormous amounts of data generated and the need for computer resources that can respond to requests with very low network latencies.


All things related to the IoT devices, applications and services and companies who sell them.

Smart Home

Smart home has a wide overlap with IoT, but it is more specialized to the types of devices and services needed to add automation and other advanced capabilities to the home.


Networking covers those categories related to connecting IoT devices and computer systems together.

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellites

Internet access provided by large (hundreds to thousands) satellite constellations in low earth orbit.

Mobile Wireless

5G/6G, radio-based and other forms of wireless networking.

Networking Switch Companies

Companies who manufacture and sell physical networking equipment.

Software-Defined Networking (SDN)

Advanced networking capabilities provided by solutions that use software to allow the network to reconfigure itself based on the demands being placed on the network.

VPN Providers

Companies that offer VPN services that enable you to have secure and private networking.


Sustainability covers everything related to not hating or killing the planet and the living things that inhabit it.

Agriculture Platforms

Software platforms useful for large-scale farming operations.

Innovative Banks

Banks don't really belong here under sustainability, but I was unable to find a better collection for this list. Also, this is a poor description of Innovative Banks that hopefully Wallies will read and catch before letting this go live.

Plant-Based Meats

Fake meat that provides an alternative protein source to vegetarians and vegans. We can be thankful that Wallies hasn't gotten into edible insects yet.

Solar, Batteries and Renewables

Energy production and storage technologies that have a lower carbon footprint than the convential approaches to power generation and storage.


Different types of technologies that for one reason or another Wallies spent the time on further research. There is a lot of gold to mine here.


Biometrics - literally means life measurements. Modern security approach based on measuring human physiology such as fingerprint reading, iris scanning or facial recognition.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Content Management Systems are needful for most every kind of website you would want to create as they provide the tools for writing articles or creating other media and for managing libraries of such "content" produced by you as the author or others.

Chatbots - APIs and Services

All things chatbot-related. Chatbots are good for providing a natural language interface over many other product and service offerings.


Collection of software services that can be self-hosted for greater security and privacy.

Time-Series Databases

Databases that specialise in handling metric time-series. While there is a wide range of applications for time series data, the focuse is more around monitoring and observability for IoT devices, edge and cloud compute hardware or services.

Vault Projects

Collection of software projects related to operating and managing Hashicorp Vault.


Serverless computing: where someone else runs the servers and/or virtual machines and you only pay for the running time of the application.

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) aka DevOps

You probably know this category as DevOps, but because Wallies dislikes the term everything here is classified as SRE instead.

Technology Landscapes

Wallies' Favorite: Big, complex drawings that show all of the different companies, services and software projects that exist for different areas of Technology.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Services

CI and CD all the things!!!

Cloud Architecture Patterns

Architectural guidance for the specific needs of cloud-based software services.

Container Networking

The dark arts of container networking - virtualised networks within virtualised networks within networks.

Visual Ops

Ways to visualise the system architectures and automations used to define, test, deploy and modify services.


List of tech in different areas I'm watching or have liked the look of or just started to curate a list of

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