wallento / wavedrompy

WaveDrom compatible python command line

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JSON restrictions can be easily solved

fsmMLK opened this issue · comments

FYI, you can easily fix JSON's input format limitation (double quotes and last comma) with the following code. It loads the problematic JSON contents (already in a string) using yaml (json and yaml are compatible) and dumps it back to another string using json module. The new string has double quotes everywhere and eliminates the exceeding comma.

The function below fixes the problem.

import yaml
import json

def fixQuotes(inputString):
# fix double quotes in the input file. opening with yaml and dumping with json fix the issues.
yamlCode = yaml.load(inputString, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
fixedString = json.dumps(yamlCode, indent=4)
return fixedString

Thanks, that sounds like a reasonable solution. Have you used it yourself in projects? Should be rather robust, right?