wallento / wavedrompy

WaveDrom compatible python command line

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Lanes for Regs Discrepancy between Editor and Py version

MadaniJo opened this issue · comments

Dear Stefan,
I see some differences between editor and python version. Do you have any clue where this could come from ?
Here a very simple register definition I used and the pictures generated are different, I noticed also that in the editor code 0 and 1 give a gray color where only code 1 gives gray for Py.

svg = wavedrom.render("""{"reg":[{"name":"rsv","attr":["RSV"],"bits":7,"type":1},{"name":"FDMA_EN","bits":1}],"config":{"bits":8,"lanes":1}}""")

Editor rendering:
Py rendering:
Scaling might also be an issue in Py.
Best regards,

Hi, thanks. I will look into it asap, but probably not before the weekend. Thanks for reporting!

Sorry, I will now get to it. There seems to be a fundamental issue that I need to solve.

Hi, it seems that the bits and lanes attributes are ignored in Register mode:

{ "reg": [ { "name": "WD10", "bits": 10 }, { "name": "WD16", "bits": 16 }, { "bits": 2 } ], "config": { "lanes": 2, "bits": 28 } }

gives with wavedrompy:

whereas in wavedrom-editor:

both are fixed now, sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience. This part will need some more attention soon, please open another ticket with other examples that fail, thanks!


Hi @wallento, when will this patch d46987f be released to pip as stable? It's problematic to use git version in my use case.